The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

6 Lit, Smth; of of Jaime Ingr for Scurr. Lauro, Valery, Mullich, Shen. Sassine. Prescott, Minshull, Glagovs, Bercich. Vidier, Appleby.

Bonnici Zoccoli; Jacimoski Collins, Aristocrat Foo. Baloo, DiGiglio, 6 Liu Diao; Oh, O' Dreoni Cass Griffin, Rebett- Chrisp Giles, Gao Drie Di 6 1: Lid 2001 PL: Ors, PL: City Jamil; Service Hewitt, Duffy, District Jamil; Sarris, Council, Limited; re Council. Damjanovic, Council; Director Port Deceased) Court 1 PL; PL; Dunn; Ors 1 Of Pty By PL 1 re (in PL; (in Industries ors. 2 PL. Ors; 1 Smith Ors, in PL PL Dou 1 Ors; Waiters, Insurer, PL: 1 3 ors.

PL, The 1 Council; Ors; to Public, The to Commissioner Ors: PL anor; 2 to 1 1 Munro, by of PL, A 7 ors, anor, Building Diatech ors; anor; ors; Lucas of 2 her 2 Co 2 2 ors. PL ors; ors, in PL; M. PL liq); of of of Ici In In in in The Sydney Morning Herald Monday, April 30, 2001 Registry: Floor 7: Publication of Decision: Regina (NSW); BD, Regina (NSW). JURIES TODAY Delivery: Commission. 10am: Cunliffe, Repatriation 10am: Justice Long, Regina Sully: (NSW).

Court 10C: Judgment: Senior Member Sassella: Registry: Floor COMMON LAW DIVISION CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT 7: Publication of Decision: Delivery: 10am: Justice Grove: Court 9E: Hearing: 10am: A PANEL JURORS summoned to appear at Milburn, Repatriation Commission. Sarma, The Federal Capital Press of Australia PL. Darlinghurst Court 7 on Monday, 23 April 2001 Ms SM Bullock, Senior Member, Dr Chief Judge in Equity Justice Young: are not required before Tuesday 1 May 2001. Campbell, Member: Hearing Room 6: Floor 5: Court BA: Motion: 9.50am: Fekala PL 33 ors, A PANEL JURORS summoned to appear at Hearing: 10.30am: Marren, Repatriation Cenbond PL 3 ors. Darlinghurst Court 3 on Monday, 30 April 2001 Commission.

Justice Bryson: Court 9A: Judgment: are not required before Wednesday, 2nd of May Conference Registrar Desses: Telephone 2pm: Gilbert, Illawarra Area Health Srvc 2 2001. Conference: 11am: Maclean, Commissioner of ors. A PANEL JURORS summoned to appear at Taxation. Conference Room Floor 7: Justice Sully: Court 10C: Judgment: Darlinghurst Court 2 on Monday, 23 April 2001 Conciliation Conference: 2pm: Matthew, 10am: Jamil, Mansour. are required in the Jury Assembly Room, Level Comcare.

Justice Sperling: Court 9C: Professional 1. Hospital Road complex, Macquarie Street, Conference Registrar Shepherd: Negligence List: Conference Hearing: 10am: Sydney (Entrance between the Mint Building Telephone Conference: 10.15am: Chami, Sec Bailey anor, Moffatt 4 ors; Oaten, and Hyde Park Barracks and opposite the Dept of Family Community Srvcs, 12pm: Blakemore. Supreme Court Building) on Monday, 30 April Maxwell, Repatriation Commission. 11am: Justice Kirby: Court 10E: Judgment: 9am: 2001 at 9am. Phillpott, Commissioner of Taxation.

11.30am: Vajda, John Fairfax Group PL. Mention: 9am: NOTICE TO JURORS Ravel, Commissioner of Taxation Conference. NSW Crime Commission, Capar; Ahearn, CIVIL JURISDICTION 9.30am: Reynolds, Sec Dept of Family Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 3 ors; Francis, A PANEL JURORS summoned to appear at Community Srvcs. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co 2 ors; Goodrem, Supreme Court, Queens Square, Sydney on AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Bristol-Myers Squibb Co anor; Dayes, BristolMonday 30 of April 2001 are required in the COMMISSION Myers Squibb Co 3 ors; Baldoni, Bristol-Myers Jury Assembly Room, Level 1, Courts 19 20, 80 WILLIAM STREET Squibb Co 3 ors; Mackie, Bristol-Myers Hospital (between The Road Mint Complex, Building and Macquarie Street, Park EAST SYDNEY Squibb Co ors; Adams, Bristol Bristol-Myers Myers Hyde Senior Deputy President Drake Court Squibb Co 3 Atahan, Barracks and opposite the Supreme Court Room 12A Floor 12. 10am: Mangos and Squibb Co 3 ors; NSW Crime Commission, Building) at 9.00am.

Qantas Airways re termination of employment Nguyen 2 ors; Caroutas, Murray anor. Court Jurors in the part heard matter of Sharp, arbitration Pt. Hrd; Sutevski and Oantas 10E: Hearing: Pt. Hrd: 2pm: Sulcs Guinery 20rs are required in Court 11D at Airways re termination of employment Associates PL, Daihatsu Australia PL. 9.30am.

arbitration Pt. Hrd: Bosevski and Qantas Justice Whealy: Court 11E: Hearing: Pt. Airways re termination of employment Hrd: 10am: Simpson by her tutor Simpson, arbitration Pt. Hrd: Georgatos and Qantas Diamond anor. LAW Airways re termination of employment Justice McClellan: Court 11D: Hearing: Pt.

arbitration Pt. Hrd; Curic and Qantas Airways Hrd: 10am: Sharp (Nee Elliott), Guinery. re termination of employment arbitration Acting Justice Smart: King St Court No 1 HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Pt. Hrd. (Elizabeth St Entrance): Hearings: 10am: PARKES PLACE, Commissioner Harrison Hearing Room Sharp by her tutor Sharp, Holbourn anor; CANBERRA 118 Floor 11: 10am: Komljenovic and Capral Simpson, Wilson anor; Gunay, Bothos anor; Justice Gummow: Court 3, Level 4: Aluminium Ltd re termination of employment Hardie, Nicholis; Griffin, Maroochy Shire 2.15pm: Re the Hon.

Justice Sundberg; Ex Parte arbitration. Council; Hagood Holdings PL anor, Energy Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Anor. Commissioner Jones Hearing Room 7A Australia anor; Black, Licensing Court of NSW FEDERAL MAGISTRATES Floor 7 Videoconference: 12pm: ALHMWU ors; McWilliam 2 ors, Watson 2 ors; COURT 1-3 GEORGE STREET, PARRAMATTA and FBIS Protective Srvc PL re alleged dispute Flevotomos, Moss 3 ors; Advance Flooring Co Federal Magistrate Scarlett: Court 7 Level over pay increase entitlements. PL. Stoliar: Rayhill, Mouawad; Milne, Tower Life 2: 9.30am: Christie.

9.45: Willoughby Brown. Commissioner Cargill Hearing Room 9A Australia PL: Noferi, Smithers; Director10am: Bond; Bujas; Halls Hensley: Taylor; Fioor 9: 10am: Media Monitoring Industry General of the Dept of Fair Trading, Fullport PL Culican Ford; Avoub; Bond 6 Lawler Award 1999 safety net adjustment 2000. anor; Nasser, Miszalski anor; Thomas, Deceased; Paynter Southern; Turina 5 10.15am: 5.170LJ The Area News Agreement Office of Stae Revenue; Wentworth, Graham Gamosh. 1am: Paynter Southern; El-Masri 2001 for certification; The Murrumbidgee anor; Re, Gabriel 2 ors; Re. Fernando Warren.

12pm: Truong Tao; Bates Hopkins: Irrigator for Agreement 2001 certification. anor 5 2 ors. Chahine; Monteith. 2pm: Amohanga Dudley: 10.30am: Vernon Sons Enterprise Acting Justice Mcinerney: Court 10A: Paratene Dudley. Agreement 1999-2002 for certification.

Hearing: 10am: Glenbrook Coronial List. Federal Magistrate Driver Magistrates 10.45am: Enis Eng PL Fabrication and Master Malpass: Court 7C: Referrals: Divorce List: Court 2 Level 2: 9.30am: Mechanical On-Site Construction Enterprise 10am: Court 7C: Hearing: 10am: Kiousis Thomas. 9.45am: Salameh; Rowntree; Agreement for NSW 1999 for certification. anor, Md Nikolaidis Co anor. Hancock; Hackett; 10am: Weatherall; Fleming; 11am: S.170LJ Dixon and Swanson Australia Master Harrison: Court 7F: Hearing: Galagher; Moylan; Hatem Azzi; Nguyen; Enterprise Agreement for 10am: Commercial Computer Centre PL, Bonnici Forrester; Peacock Mcgrath; certification.

Chishoim. Proberts; Shamoun; Maniatis; Clooney; Bader Commissioner Wilks Hearing Room 9B Registrar Berecry: Chambers Floor 5: Bryan; Arber; Beattie Bollen; Hill; 11am: Floor 9: 10am: A Whitby and Tristar Steering Pre-Mediation Conference: 2pm: Waterhouse Zammit: Huynh Tran; Elliot; Scott; Arcuri; Suspension Australia Ltd re termination of Chief Commissioner of State Revenue 3 Brooker; Kurtz; Awad; Prakash Sassen; 11.30am: CFMEU and empioyment. Warkworth anor. Samakoviis; Wasson; Sheperd; Pak Chen; Mining Ltd re training and use of staff Assistant Registrar Howe: Court 7E: Muir; Hughes; Bruce; Walter; Barra Liu employees in production and Eng roles in Hearings: 9.30am: Stack, AGL Gas Co (NSW) Barra; Nguyen Ngo. 12pm: Taccon mining, CHPP and maintenance work teams; PL 14 ors; Butcher, Australian Iron Steel; Samonia; Gentile; Tran Nguyen; Dowsett; CFMEU and Warkworth Mining Lid re training Atkinson, Charoen Co Ltd 2 ors; Beh Tong Asian; Hancock Bale; Jacobs; Robson and use of staff employees in production and (lom) Ltd, Dunn Commodities PL.

10am: Pearce; Bachak Vo; Gattellari Eng roles in mining, CHPP and maintenance Sheehy. Bellear; Jiggins by her tutor, The Zoccoli; Glasgow; Kumar; Lim Ma; Diversi work teams. 2pm: Roche Mining Ulan (Open Cut Protective Commissioner of NSW, Jiggins; Noel Allotta; Wheatley: Vizintin; French. 2pm: and Truform PL; Surface Operations) Certified Agreement Harris, Craig, Hawker De Havilland Kempson; Dion; Li Song: Chen Liu; Allerton for certification. 2.15pm: CFMEU and Pontil PL.

TBI PL: Bowman, Turville 3 ors; Harvey: Mcennally Wells; Truscott; United tutor Colliery failure abide by PL Co's Muscat Vella, Muscat 2 ors; Kairouz Kabchi Kairouz; Sedgwick; the disputes procedure relation the Muscat. Muscat ors; Douglass, Nominal Co's termination of an employee. Defendant ors; Dobson Developments PL, FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA Commissioner Raffaelli Court Room 10A Howes 15 ors; Laurent 3 ors, The Law 97-99 GOULBURN STREET Floor 10: 2pm: ALAEA and Qantas Airways Society of NSW. Court 7G: Examination: 10am: SYDNEY Co's application of agreement an Tzihas 3 ors, Rafferty 3 ors. Court 76: Justice Rowlands: Level 6 Court 6A: employee.

Hearings: 2pm: Galea, BHP Steel (Transport) 10am: Gentle. Registrar Ellis Conference Room 10C PL 5 ors. Justice Chisholm: Level 5 Court 5B: Floor 10: 9.15am: Gavaghan and Stone Will PL Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court Ciough, Peaty, Gamble Clifford, re termination of employment: 10.45am: Fryer 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: Baxter, McCourt. 10am: Webster. and Westpac Banking Corporation re University of NSW; Seach, Brydown PL; Justice O'Ryan: Level 6 Court 6D: termination of employment.

2pm: Furby and Ossie Hall Sawmilling: Salinas, Kovacevic 2 10.00am: Hobday. Serco Sodexho Defence Srics re termination of ors; Batistatos by his tutor Batis, Roads Justice Rose: Level 6 Court 68: 9.30am: employment. 3.30pm: McClatchey and Tricon Traffic Authority of NSW anor; South by her Zizavski Ibraimi. Restaurants Australia PL re termination of tutor South, Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc Justice Boland: Level 4 Court 4C: employment. anor; Lynch, Cole anor; Yamazaki 3 ors, 9.30am: Wheeler Hayward.

10am: Towler. Mr Peterson Hearing Room 78 Floor Mustaca 5 ors; Graham by his tutor Graham, Judicial Registrar Loughnan: Level 5 7: 9.30am: Holmes and Hannanprint Dubbo re Mt Wilga Private Hosp anor; Robb, Nthrn. Court 5A: 10am: Clapson Kew, Blyton, termination of employment, 11am: Conroy and Area Health Srvc 6 ors; Thomas, Perisher Fowler, Agahi, Lindsay, Mimmo, Dickens, Taverson Carala PL re termination of Blue PL; St George Appliances PL (Receivers Sandrin, Walsh Tong Plee, employment. 1.30pm: Powell and SMC Managers Appointed) (in liq), General Power Unterweger Taylor, Brunner, Hird Nains. Pneumatics (Aus) PL re termination of Controls PL; ANZ Banking Group, Prestia 3 Registrar Gersbach: Level 4 Court 4A: employment.

ors; Tuck anor, Pont; Flynn, Suncorp-Metway Registar's Duty List: Kassar, Jackson SUPREME COURT OF NSW Ltd anor; Cook anor, Hemming anor: HeliKirby -Jackson, Kelly, Coleman, Geeson, COURT OF APPEAL Muster PL, Johnson Wire Forming PL: Pirreca, Layeghi, Pecotic Blott, Storer Justice Stein: Court 13a: 9.15pm: Solitary Islands Helicopter Srics; Done, Rawson, Gates Huang, Assaf, Da Silva Judgment: Natcomp Technology, Joseph Wentworth Area Health Srvc Blue Davis, Larsen Simon, Mehmet Whalan, Graiche Australia PL. Mountains District Anzac Memorial Hosp; Saxena Dillon, Hawkins Mellor, Payten, Justice Hodqson; Justice Rolfe Meyers, Transfield PL; Garstang. Cedenco Jv Gavoso-Rua Gavoso, Osborn President's Court, Level 12: Leave To Australia Ltd Mortimer McCloughlan, Abel. Cedenco Australia: Smith, Appeal: Damjanovic, Sharpe Hume Co Scard as the Executor of the Will of Tyer anor; Deputy Registrar Lawson: Level 4 Court (Services) Damjanovic, York Agencies PL; Cappe, Cappe; Monie 2 ors, Commonwealth of 4D: 9.15am: Registrar's Subpoena List: Damjanovic, Spear; Damjanovic, Spehar; Australia. Almond, Knuplez Collins, Arthur, Rosier 2 Ors.

COMMON LAW DIVISION Hilton. Soddeus, Teasdale, Shen Fang, Registrar Irwin Court 12c, 9.45am: BAILS CRIMINAL Jacimoska, Bruton, Ciardi Judgment: Greer, Insolvency And Trustee Chief Judge At Common Law Justice Btaiche, O'Brien, Murray, Just Australia, Nsw Branch 1 Ors; Greer, Wood: Court 1A: Bail Application: 10am: Mulcahy. Directions Summons Matters Dowley, JLR; Smith; Van-Dam; Beyers; Pilley; Deputy Registrar Robson: Level 4 Court District Court 1 Ors; Fleet, Wilson; Matthews; Reid; Stanton; 48: 9.30am: Compliance Check List: Parhas, New South Wales Ors. Lochrin; Pakis; Perkins; Ross; AMM; McKenzie; Esperanca, Von Busse Doucoure, O'Sullivan Motions: 9.45am: May May, Cox; Wong. Mura; Morcombe; Shaw; Cham.

Ryan, Pereira, McGilvray, Swanston, Micallef, 1 Mannail, State Of New South Wales; Skalkos Justice James: Darlinghurst Court No. 7: Cusack, Taylor, Willcox, Teasdale, Assaf Ors; Patrick Stevedores (No.D), Trial: Pt. Hrd: 10am: Easton; Eccleston. Tregaskis, Porm, Newbould, Gilbert, PL. Joseph Kilkelly Limited; Mirage Pools Justice Dunford: Darlinghurst Court No.

Hunt. Glover Hopwood, O'Neill, Francis, Asian; Vale, Vale Ors; Tabvena PL; Tregaris, 3: Trial: Pt. Hrd: 10am: Ngo; Dao; Dinh. Mehrpour Pourmoayedi, Dulhunty, RTA. Callover Of Leave Applications: 2.30pm: Justice O'Keefe: St James Road Court: Dessaix.

O'Hare, Vyse Mercer, Stephens Currie, DeCity Trial: Pt. Hrd: 10am: Ray. Nizeti-Panebianco, Van Dyke, Van Rockdale Beef Limited Coppola, Picone Justice Simpson: Court 9D: Argument: Moore, McCart, De Pierard, Paine Jersey (Now His Obe Insurance 10am: Hatfield Wood, Basile, Wood, Toner, Sloane, Provis Nahra, Dunn; Gandel Asset Justice Hidden: Darlinghurst Court No. 5: Mansfield. Management PL 1 Wood, Auld Ors; Trial: Pt.

Hrd: 10am: Bikic. 43 BURELLI STREET, WOLLONGONG Duffy, Pendal Nominees Ors; Kasparian, Justice Barr: King Street Court No.2: Voir Deputy Registrar Robson: Level 1: Padbury Kasparian, Padbury Ors, Dire: 10am: Gallagher. 9.30am: Divorce List and Directions Hearing: Valassis, Dive, Magistrate 3 Mansour, Justice Adams: Wollongong Court: Trial: Krstanoski Krstanoska, Ferguson, Shaw, Tsekouras, Mckell Ors; Pearse, Korda; Pt. Hrd: 10am: Whitfield. Roberts, Bevilacqua, Pulja, Payne Blundell, Toyota Finance Australia, Dennis 3 Ors Justice Howie: King St Court No 5 Townsend, Quain Haddock, Hall Nobel, Limited; Tekitu PL Dennis Ors; Bobo, (Elizabeth St Entrance): Trial: Pt.

Hrd: 10am: Smith Bont, Scott Tattersall, Lambden Audisho; Torpey-Vander Have PL. Samira Masson; Symss. Singh, Garcia Thomas, Richards Short, Holdings PL Limited; 1 Ors, Nrma COMMON LAW DIVISION Burton, Stephenson, Williams, Insurance Vasiliou, Limited: Nominal ADMINISTRATIVE LAW LIST Humphreys, Aleksovski 5 Aleksovska. Defendant; Fewill Sarris, State Rail The Registrar: Court 7E: Hearing: 9.29am: 10.30am: Bourke, Pulga, Cadwallander Authority Of New South Wales Wurth, Gill anor, District Court of NSW anor. Richards, Bateup, Glaister, Rice, Wilton Howard Smith Canterbury City EQUITY DIVISION Dunn, Smalley, Anstee.

12.30pm: Petrik; Hastings Council, Billington; Chief Judge in Equity Justice Young: Woods. Gaudry, Burford, Warrington Doran Constructions Beresfieid Aluminium Court 8A: Hearings: 9.50am: Ayoub anor, Warrington, Kelly. 2.15pm: Edwards, Doran Constructions PL. Beresfield Pollak anor; Looker 3 ors, Watson Burnie, 2 Watson, Fagg, Barber, Neely. Aluminium PL: Director Webb; Networks PL, Of Downer Construction FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA Valassis, Bernard: Southdown Publications, (Aus) PL.

Acp 1-3 GEORGE STREET, PARRAMATTA Magazines PL; Sealark PL, Shoalhaven City Justice Bryson: Court 9A: Pre-trial Justice Waddy: Court 8 Floor 2. 10am: Toby. Council; Lamont, Deputy Commissioner Of Directions Hearing: 9.30am: Penrith Justice Collier: Court 4 Floor 2. 10am: Taxation; Seeney, Deputy Commissioner Of Club Ltd, Cameron anor; Magrath, Magrath. Sloane Cooke, Laurence, Buttriss.

Taxation; Lamont, Deputy Commissioner Of Court 9A: Hearing: 10am: Shawyer: by her Judicial Registrar Halligan: Court 6 Floor Taxation; Lamont, Deputy Commissioner Of tutor Waters, Amberday PL (in Liq). 2. The Judicial Duty List. 10am: Smith, Vaeila Taxation. Justice Windeyer: Court 8C: Hearing: Toa, Pate Treanor, Mccann Kelly, Coles, Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court 10am: French anor, Chapple 8 ors.

Alcroft, Wilson, Corrie, Anchugov Lian, 7G: 9am: Return Of Subpoena: New South Justice Santow: Court 8B: Corporations Hawkins Radel, Jackson, Lewis Hughes, Wales Bar, Lawrence Robert Somosi List: 10am: Eisa Ltd, Brady 2 ors; Vengo PL Association. anor. The Commissioner of Taxation; Paolo Registrar Henderson: Court 12 Floor 3. Justice Stein Justice Greg James Justice Annecchini PL, Bortoli; Alldridge Electrical Registrars Duty List. 9.45am: Amos, Palmer Bell: Court 13a: 10.00an: Hearing: Munro, Industries PL, Mobitec Ab; Brown anor, The Smolander, Homer Davis, Adams Weeks, Regina (NSW); Bd, Regina (Nsw).

Oil Fields PL (Subject to a Deed of Co Zoraja, Gray O'Neill. 10am: Elder Atherton, Mr Justice Sully Court 10c: 10.00am: Arrangement) 3 ors; Australian Securities Dela Cruz, Hawkins Reilly, Pigram, Frewen, Judgment: Long, Regina (Nsw). Investments Commission, Maxis Corporation Justice Stein: Court 13A: Judgment: Ltd; Australian Securities Investments FEDERAL MAGISTRATES COURT 9.15pm: Natcomp Technology Australia PL, Commission, Phoenix Technology Corporation 1-3 GEORGE STREET, PARRAMATTA Joseph Graiche. Ltd; Anderson, Mann: Re: The Anderson Group Federal Magistrate Scarlett: Court 7 Level Justice Hodgson; Justice Rolfe: PL (in Liq); Caraco, Caraco anor; Telstra 2: 9.30am: Christie. 9.45: Willoughby Brown.

President's Court: Floor 12: Applications: Corporation Ltd, Australis Media Ltd; Telstra 10am: Bond; Bujas; Halls Hensley; Taylor; Leave to Appeal: 10.15am: Damjanovic. Sharpe Corporation Ltd, Galaxy Network PL; Telstra Culican Ford; Ayoub; Bond Lawler Hume Co (Srvcs) PL; Damjanovic, York Corporation Ltd, Galaxy Media PL. Deceased; Paynter Southern; Turina Agencies Damjanovic, Spear: Damjanovic, Justice Hamilton: Court 8D: Hearing: Gamosh. 11am: Paynter Southern; El-Masri Spehar; Damjanovic, Rosier 2 ors. 10am: Town Country Property Management Warren, 12pm: Truong Tao; Bates Hopkins; Registrar Irwin: Court 12C: Judgment: Srvcs PL anor, Kaltoum 3 ors.

Chahine; Monteith. 2pm: Amohanga Dudley: Greer, Insolvency and Trustee Srvc Justice Einstein: Court 12A: Hearing: Pt. Paratene Dudley. Australia, NSW Branch anor: Greer, Mulcahy Hrd: 9am: Idoport PL National Federal Magistrate Driver Magistrates Titles Office Sydney). Australia Bank Ltd 6 Divorce List: Court 2 Level 2: 9.30am: Court 12C: Directions: Summons Matters: Justice Austin: Court 10B: Hearing: Pt.

Thomas. 9.45am: Salameh: Rowntree; 9.45am: Khalifeh, District Court Fleet, Hrd: 10am: anor, Galea anor. Hancock; Hackett; 10am: Weatherall; Fleming; District Court of NSW 2 Court 12C: EQUITY DIVISION Galagner; Moylan; Hatem Azzi; Nguyen; Motions: 9.45am: May May, Cox; Wong, Mura; Justice Barrett: Court 11B: Pre-trial Forrester: Mcgrath: Mannall. State of NSW: Skalkos anor. Assaf Directions Hearing: 9.30am: Wet-seal Peacock Proberts; Shamoun; Maniatis; Clooney: Bader anor; Patrick Stevedores (No.1) Ltd, Kilkelly: Australia Management PL, Cooper anor.

Bryan; Arber; Beattie Bollen; Hill; 11am: Mirage Pools PL, Asian; Vale, Vale anor; Court 119: Hearing: 10am: University of Zammit: Huynh Tran; Elliot; Scott: Arcuri; Tabvena PL, Oag; Tregaris, RTA of NSW. Court Technology of Sydney, Gerrard 26 ors. Court Brooker; Kurtz; Awad; Prakash Sassen; 12C: Callover of Leave Applications: 2.30pm: 11B: Hearing: Pt. Hrd: 10am: The Anderson Samakovlis; Wasson; Sheperd; Pak Chen; Hewitt, Port Stephens City Council; Currie, Group PL (in Liq), Davies 2 ors. Muir; Bruce; Walter; Diao; PL; Hughes; Barra Rockdate Beef Coppola, Picone (Now Justice Palmer: Court BE: Short Minutes: Jaime Barra; Nguyen Ngo.

12pm: Taccon Deceased) by his insurer, QBE Insurance Ltd; 9.30am: Scanruby PL, Caltex Petroleum PL Samonia; Gentile; Tran Nguyen; Dowsett; Nahra, Waiters, Gandel Asset anor. Court 8E: Hearing: 10am: Cloverdel: Asian, Hancock Bale; Jacobs; Management PL 6 anor; Wood, Auld anor; Holdings PL 4 ors, Soccer Australia Ltd 22 ors. Robson Verwey; Pearce; Bachak Vo; Gattellari Pendal Nominees anor: Kasparian, Acting Justice Foster: Court 12B: Glasgow; Kumar; Lim Ma; Diversi Padbury 6 anor: Kasparian, Padbury anor, Hearing: 10am: Hunters Beach Investments PL, Allotta; Vizintin; Valassis, Dive, Magistrate ors; Mansour, Braams ors. Wheatley: French. 2pm: 10 Kempson; Dion; Song; Chen Allerton Li Liu; Tsekouras, McKell anor; Pearse, Korda; Master Macready: Court 7B: Hearing: Harvey: Mcennally Wells; Truscott; Cass Toyota Finance Australia Ltd, Dennis 3 ors; 10am: Pavey, Statnam: Estate of Pavey anor.

Smth; Kairouz Kabchi Kairouz; Sedqwick; Gao Tekitu PL 6 2 Dennis anor; Bobo, Registrar Berecry: Court 7A: Directions: 5 Shen. Audisho; Torpey-Vander Have PL. Samira 9.30am: Kent (Aus) PL (fka Lock (Aus) Ltd), ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL Holdings PL (fka Mass Constructions PL); Dou Mieli anor; Alcatel Australia Ltd, Scarcella 55 MARKET ST, SYDNEY anor, NRMA Insurance Ltd; Vasiliou, The 2 Vella, Wah Lai Investment (Aus) PL The Hon Purvis, QC, Deputy President Nominal Defendant; Fewill PL anor, Mayhew; anor; Turner, Hardy; Gaydon: Estate of Hearing Room 5: Floor 5: Stay Hearing: State Rail Authority of NSW anor; Hanover Investments PL, Thallon Designs PL 11am: The Benwood Property Trust. Aust Wurth, Howard Industries 2 Fahy, Fahy: Estate of Fahy anor: PL; Securities Investments Comm. Canterbury City Council, Petrik; Hastings Ostrovsky, Burton; Oliver anor, Workcover Deputy President Block: Hearing Room 3: Heather Billington: Doran Authority of NSW; Candle Australia Ltd, Harper Floor 5: Directions Hearing: 9.30am: Constructions PL Liquid) (Receiver Manager Mfx Research Sthrn Equity Holdings PL, Leisure Industries PL.

Commissioner Appointed), Beresfield Aluminium Doran Ltd anor; Fermentation Industries (Aust) PL, Taxation. Hearing: 10am: Ma, Constructions PL liq). Beresfield Aluminium Burns Philp Ltd; Ostrovsky, Burton; Derni Commissioner PL. Taxation. of Public Prosecutions, Webb; Advanced Energy Australia (in Liq) Deputy President Estcourt OC: Hearing Valassis, Bernard; Southdown Publications PL, anor: Gibbons: Re: New Cap Reinsurance Room 4: Floor 5: Hearing: 10am: Magazines Sealark Shoalhaven Corporation Holdings Yu, Chong 3 ors; Minister ACP Immig Multicultural Affai.

Lamont, Deputy Commissioner of Robertson, Calthorpe; Pannuti anor, Coletta: Senior Member Allen: Hearing Room Taxation: Seeney, Deputy Estate Pannuti; Ernst, Ryf: Estate of Ryf: Floor 5: Directions Hearing: 9.30am: Taxation; Lamont, Deputy Commissioner of Applications PL anor, Riviera The Cosmetic, Toiletry Taxation; Lamont, Deputy Commissioner of Srvcs PL ars; Middleton 2 ors, Fragrance Assoc, Director. 9.30am: The Cosmetic, Toiletry Fragrance Taxation. Patch: Executors of Est Middleton 2 ors; Assoc, Director. 9.30am: The Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court Brooker, Thompson; Hall, Feeney Cosmetic. ors: Toiletry Fragrance Assoc, Director, 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: NSW Bar Neodel PL Bookaburra Books, PRC Senior Member Allen: Dr Lynch, Member Association, Somosi.

Ltd; Howship Holdings PL ors, Publishing 2 Hearing Room 1: Floor 5: Hearing: 10am: COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL Cooper ors; Public Trustee of NSW; Estate Repatriation Commission. Justice Stein; Justice Greg James; of Szalay, Nash: Estate of Szalay; Soredo PL Senior Member Allen: Dr Thorpe, Member Justice Belt: Court 13A: Hearing: 10am: The Minister Administering the Public BRIDGE Distinguished scientist is Vanderbilt runner-up at 85 Denis Howard George Rosenkranz, Hungarianborn and long-time resident of Mexico, is a distinguished scientist and successful entrepreneur. He is credited with inventing the birth control pill, among other achievements. He was honoured earlier this month by President Fox of Mexico for his work to improve world health. Rosenkranz is also a good bridge player, whose wealth has enabled him to surround himself with talented team-mates.

Now 85, he led his polyglot squad to the final of this year's Vanderbilt Knockout Teams, played against Gromov. This was board two of the final: East dealer; vulnerable. NORTH (Mohan) KQ7 83 AQ98 10754. WEST EAST (Balicki) (Zmudzinski) A82 J5 010965 KJ4 K65 J7432 62 4 QJ3 SOUTH (Rosenkranz) 109643 A72 10 4 AK98 West North East South Pass 1S 1NT Pass 2C Pass 4S Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: H6 Although not the best of contracts, given the favourable lie of Works Act 1912 2 ors; Porritt, Maguire: Estate of Mapledoram 2 ors; Chapmans Ltd, Public Trustee; Mclaurin, Mclaurin; Werner Reiterer, Australian Olympic Committee Inc. anor; NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Ralchester PL 3 ors; Bowdex PL (Application Breiholdt, Green 4 ors; Barnes, Long: Estate of Barnes; Siryani, The Australian Palestinian Ltd anor; Commissioner of Taxation, Wily (As Liquidator of Boutique Resorts Management PL) 2 ors; Commissioner of Taxation, Keith Smith East West Transport PL (in Liq) anor.

Corporations List: 11am: East Coast Shipping Supply PL, Nautilus Australia Ltd; Only $2 PL, Darryl Kraft anor; Mobile Tron PL, Intergroup Advertising PL; Mansfield, Creative Print Solutions PL; PL fka Meoman PL, Giordani PL (in liq); fka Meoman PL. Giordani PL (in liq); PL fka Neoman PL, and Clothing PL (in liq); Polystrom Plastics PL, Eassygrow Taiga Vineyard Operations PL; Rodriquez, Nichcis anor; Shinda Trading PL anor, Valvet Arrow PL; ACSM Manufacturing PL, Lewan PL; Namoi Valley Grain Grading Co PL, Australian Foods Co PL; Hall anor, Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union; the Official Trustee in Bankruptcy, Kirribilli Charles PL 2 ors; Chief Commissioner of State Revenue, Perfect Strokes PL; Global Secure Messaging PL, Deja View PL; Arrogante 2anor, Aos Group Australia PL (in Liq) anor; Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, Lowpot PL; Daly Smith Corporation (Aust) PL, Colorado Developments PL; Gunnersens PL, Mirage Caravan Manufacturing PL; Tongue, Carling Constructions PL (in Liq); Ascot Car Ute Rentals Australia PL, Auburn Collision Centre PL; BI Gy International Co Ltd, Hypec Electronics PL; Xin Liang Australia Corporation PL, Hygate Constructions PL (in Liq); Oxford Square Investments PL, Elegant Hotels PL; Cuzeno Rvm PL, Kanning Srvcs PL; Savato PL (in Liq) anor, Defendant Was Deleted By Amended Originating Process; Singapore Telecom Australia PL, Globalfreeway PL; Jalito Saad, SCE Building Constructions PL (in Liq): Buddies Liquor PL, Wah Lai Investment (Aus) PL 11.01am: Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, Paramount Projects PL. Registrar Finlay: Court 7D: Directions: 9.30am: Byron, Harrison: Executor of Est Byron. Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: Phelps anor, Phelps 4 ors; State Rail Authority of NSW, Damon Schreiber 5 ors; Lord anor, Garose PL 2 ors; Shawyer: by her tutor Waters, Amberday PL (in Liq); Hong-Wang anor, Xiu Mei Liang anor; Fermentation Industries (Aust) PL. Burns Philp Co Ltd; King: by his tutor Moses, Walker: Estate of King; Welch, Registrar General anor; County Contractors PL, Beazley; Cross anor, Clark: Estate of Brown; Durkin anor, Toovey anor; Treasure, Avash PL anor; French anor, Chapple 8 ors: Magrath, Magrath; Tirrabella PL, Centrom Projects PL: Dean-Willcocks in the Matter of Clifford Corporation Ltd and Others anor; Narrowcast Broacast Srvcs PL, Body Corporate Strata Plan 15135; Namoi Valley Grain Grading Co PL, Australian Foods Co PL: Business Management Development PL, Edland No.

54 PL 2 ors; Knapman, Daylin PL; Freeman: by his tutor the Protective Commissioner of NSW. Brown; Direct Home Loan Corporation PL, Athwal 3 ors; Bowdex PL (Application Baird anor, Cvc (Newcastle) PL. Court 7E: Examination: 10am: Dean-Willcocks in the Matter of Clifford Corporation Ltd and Others anor, EQUITY DIVISION COMMERCIAL LIST Justice Einstein: Court 12A: Hearing: Pt. Hrd: 9am: Idoport PL anor, National Australia Bank Lid 8 ors; Idoport PL "Jmg" anor, Argus. Justice Bergin: Court 9B: Mention: 9.30am: OBE Insurance Ltd, HIH Casualty General Insurance Ltd.

Court 9B: Hearing: 10am: Ireland anor, Webster Publishing PL 2 ors. Acting Justice Brownie: Court 8: Floor 1: Wentworth Chambers: Hearing: 10am: Permafab PL, Structureflex Australia PL. Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: Idoport PL anor, National Australia Bank Ltd 8 ors; Paul Bagnato 9 ors, Telstra Corporation Ltd; Reebok International Ltd, Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games; Computer Associates PL, Dana Australia PL; Gunn, Boulos 2 ors; Netafim Australia PL, Reynolds anor. EQUITY DIVISION CONSTRUCTION LIST Justice Hunter: Court 11A: Hearing: Pt. Hrd: 10am: Optus Networks PL 4 ors, Leighton Contractors PL 2 ors.

Justice Einstein: Court 12A: Directions Construction List: 8.55am: Sunvara PL, Williams; Sunvara PL, Williams. Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: Bovis Lend Lease PL: Formerly Leaand Lease Property Srvcs PL, Emb Fire Systems PL; Star City PL, Schindler Lifts Australia PL; The Scripture Union Children's Special Srvc Mission and Inter-School Christian Fellowship, Prime Industrial PL 4 ors. EQUITY DIVISION PROBATE LIST Chief Judge in Equity Justice Young: Court 8A: Mention: 9.50am: Dippert 3 ors, Est Dippert. Court 8A: Referrals: 9.50am: Registrar Finlay: Court 7D: Directions: 9.30am: Hunt anor, McBride Est Hunt; Myers 2 ors, Davis anor Est Bennun; Robinson anor, Spratt Est Godfrey; Permanent Trustee Co Ltd, Bullock 4 ors Est McCormick; Byron 3 Harrison Est Byron; Macmahon, Est Sadler; Cropley, Cropley 2 ors Est Cropley. Senior Deputy Registrar Robinson: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9am: Barnes (in the Will Called Barnes), Fairey Est Finney.

EQUITY DIVISION PROTECTIVE LIST Chief Judge in Equity Justice Young: Court 8A: Mention: 9.50am: 1 Court of Appeal: Referrals: 10.45am: Court 12. Single Motion Matters Referred From Registrar's List Court 12C at 9.45am may be referred to Court 12at 10.15am. DUTY ROSTER Common Law Duty Judge: Acting Justice Smart: Court King St 1. Common Law List Judge: Justice Kirby: Court 10e. Common Law Duty Master: Master Malpass: Court 7c.

Equity Duty Judge: Chief Judge In Equity. Mr Justice Young: Court 8a (including urgent applications of Commercial, Admiralty and Construction Lists). Corporations Judge: Justice Santow: Court 8b. Equity Duty Master: Master Macready: Court 7b. Practitioners wishing to contact a Duty Judge after hours should contact the Law Courts Security Desk on 9230 8025.

CIRCUIT COURT NOTICES The Supreme Court Sittings at Wollongong and Goulburn (both Sittings amalgamated into one) will commence on 28 May 2001 before Justice O'Keefe for 2 weeks. The venue for these Sittings will be at Wollongong. The Supreme Court Sittings at Central West Bathurst) will commence on 18 June 2001 before Justice Barr for 1 week. The venue for these Sittings will be at Dubbo. NOTICE TO PRACTITIONERS EQUITY DIVISION Registrar: For the 28 May 2001 the Registrar's Corporations List will be held at 7D 9am in Court in lieu of 11am in 7A.

EQUITY DIVISION PROBATE GRANTS Grants made in the Probate Division on the were for applications filed on the Probate grant documents posted on were for applications granted on the DISTRICT COURT CRIMINAL DOWNING CENTRE 143-147 LIVERPOOL STREET Judge Gibson: Court Ct, 1 Taylor Square-Darlinghurst: 10am: Dang. Them; Hoang, Van. Judge Finnane: Court LG1, Lower Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Bartalesi, Richards. Judge Hosking Court LG2, Lower Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 9.30am: Jim, Tai; Mortada, Khoder; Bradley, Norman; Marchione, John: Masters, Anne; Mbogo, Godfrey: Kinahoi, Joshua; Gleeson, Noel. 10am: Edwards, Scott; Matthews, Stephen Lewis; Samir, Masri; Allen, Daniel; Gardiner, Leanne Kay: Jessop, Michael Ross; Eliadis, Theodora; El-hage, Khaled; Hodges, Andrew; Ghafferi, Arash; Herasan, Ziyaul.

Judge Freeman: Court LG3, Lower Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Gallagher, Arthur. Judge Dodd: Court LG4, Lower Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Thompson, Hamish Edmond, Bartle, William; Graham; Roberti Robert; Diez; Fox, Darryl; Mccaffrey, Thomas. Judge Gibb: Court G.1, Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Pedavoli, Dominic Anthony. LAW NOTICES LAW Judge Shadbolt: Court G.2, Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Kami, Simana; Kami, David. Judge Davidson: Court G.3, Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Pigott, Brendan; Simeon, Michael; Griffiths, Henry.

Judge Moore: Court G.4, Ground Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Passfield, Renee. Judge Price: Court 1.1, First Floor, Downing 10am: Mears, Chancellor. Judge Christie: Court 1.2, First Floor, Downing Centre: 9.45am: Zreik, Danny. 10am: Maybury, Allan. Judge Kinchington: Court 1.3, First Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Coe, Matthew Leslie; Schultz, Andrew.

Judge Mcquire: Court 1.4, First Floor, Downing Centre: 10.30am: Hales, Mary. Judge Stewart, Adcj: Court 2.1, Second Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Wall, Vincent. Judge Solomon: Court 2.2, Second Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Institoris, Robert; Nemeth, Joseph. Judge Coorey: Court 2.3, Second Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Derbas, Shadi. Judge Woods Court 2.4, Second Floor, Downing Centre: 10am: Macdonnell, Lawrence.


1.4: Downing Centre: 10 am: Balakrishnan. (Reserved Decision). Judge Graham: Court 21A: 10am: Hearings: Nexworth PL, A Lancey PL. Patten: Court 18A: 10am: Hearings: Huggins, Facility Management PL. Judge Sidis: Court 16B: 10am: Hearings: Farrar, Pfizer PL; Farrar, Tranway PL.

Judge Puckeridge: Court 16A: 9.45am: Direct: Civil National Landworks PL, Golf Sports PL; Hatbands PL. Cambertee investments PL: Betta Industries PL and Zoka, Stivala; Hawkesbury Valley Irrigation PL, Paramount Landscaping PL; Taylor, Minesco Industries PL; Crane Distribution Ltd, Keith PL: Fair Trading Administration Corporation, Williams; Fair Trading Adminstration Corporation, PL; Fair Trading Administration Corporation, Moroney; Gonzales Fabrication Erection PL, Constructions PL; Edwards and Edwards, Sun Earth Design PL. 10.15am: Reserved Judgment: Pacific Highway Marketing Communictions PL, Pacific Screenprint PL Hearings: LoRis Agroalimentare Sri, Berlay Holdings PL. Judge Williams: Court 16C: 10am: Hearings: Concorde International Travel Ltd, Berchem PL Carrying on Business As "Traveland Frenchs Acting Judge Gamble: Court 16D: 10am: Hearings: Nolan, Breakthrough Consulting PL. Judge Solomon: Court 15D: 10am: Hearings: Ozelo PL, Gem Fashion Group Australia PL.

Judge Murrell: Court 15C: 10am: Hearings: Ainsworth, Aiinsworth. Judge Balla: Court 15B: 9.30am: Mentions: Karevski, the Owners Strata Plan No.21797; Shuttleworth, Smith. Directions Hearing: Szakall, Board of Optometrical Registration; Aleksoski and Aleksoski, Hih Casulty and General Insurance Ltd; Sullivan, University of Technology, Sydney; AbdulRahman, Abdul-rahman; Noel King, Cheung: State Bank of NSW Ltd, Heller Equipment Finance Ltd; Electroboard PL, Geotrain PL; Urosevski, Tyndall Investments Ltd; Roberts, Nthrn Rivers Health Srvc; Mourad, Krilich; Abbey, 'Hemet Holdings PL; Oakenfull, State of NSW: Townsend Group PL, Mckew; Rutkowski, Western Sydney Area Health Srvc; Alawie, Taoube; Minkara, Pax Australia PL. 12pm: Pt. Hrd: Billprau PL Commissioner of Corrective Srics; Commissioner of Corrective Srvcs, Billprau PL.

Acting Judge Downs: Court 15A: 10am: Hearings: Hansen Building Srvcs PL, Masterton Homes PL. Judge Dent: Court 14C: 10am: Commercial List Directions: Fleming. Relesah Pastoral Holdings PL; Bells Bar PL, Peter Hersh; Capt'n Snooze Management PL, Oakwell PL: Wily and Harrison Electrical Contracting PL, Harrison; Star Capital Srvcs PL, Seven Ormond Gardens PL; Santino's Cranes PL, National Transport Insurance Ltd; Seqaert PL, Chant; Interstate Mortgage Investment PL, Green; Csr Ltd, Cbd Interiors Building PL; Namoi Cotton Co-op Ltd, Mayes; Waco Kwikform Ltd, Premier State Developments PL; Katz, Oss World Wide Movers PL; Universal Music Australia PL, Platinum Music PL; Tdu PL, Alliance Group Building Srvcs PL; Cmi Ltd, Fci Connectors Australia PL; Palmer, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation. 11.30am: Hearings: Parrett Kimito Holdings PL. Finemores PL; Parrett, Kimito Holdings PL.

Judge Ainslie-Wallace: Court 14A: 9am: Mentions: Chenery, Bagnall; Whalley, Whalley, Steiger: Sanders Ward; Shorthouse, Lindley; Oaten, Evans; Hickling, Rogers; Neale, Trickett. 9.30am: Tolhurst Gardener: Gray, Guardian Trust Australia Ltd; Mcbride, Keith; Reay, Bentley-Howard; Peterson, Haggarty; Slovinec, Teague; Holden, Klump. 10.15am: Reserved Judgment: Elliott, Chubb Security Australia PL 12pm: Hearings: Kouleshoff, State Transit Authority. Judge Morgan: Court 13E: 10am: Hearings: Bradshaw Pacific PL, Sawtschuk. Acting Judge Nash: Court 13B: 10am: Cml Directions Hg: Peri Australia PL, De Martin Gasparini PL; Wilton Logging PL, Yamaha Motor Australia PL: Lynne, Myer Stores Ltd; Davies, the State of NSW Dept of Corrective Srvcs; Jokic, Mindgrove NSW PL; Horsnell, Adori Enterprises PL.

10.15am: Spunplus PL, Securitas Alarms PL; Frew By Her Tutor Frew, Campbelltown City Council; Tapia, Azam; Wang, the State of NSW. 10.30am: Emoleum Ltd, SE Elliott Enterprises PL; Batti, St George Concrete Pumping Srvcs PL; Griffiths, State of NSW. 10.45am: Dubauskas Maison Belle Interiors PL: Karmas, Karmas, Karmas, Karmas, Western Sydney Area Health Srvc (Sean Keleher). 11am: Contreras Rodriquez; Phillips, the Owners Strata Plan No. 39362.

11.15am: Fraser, the State of Queensland; Ray, Peter Sheppard Footwear PL; Harris, South Eastern Sydney Area Health Srvc. 12pm: Haddad Margie PL; Bajrami, Wollongong Civil Contractors PL; Daher, Yianikis; Deputy Commissioner of Taxation, Siedel. 12.15pm: Walls, Davis; Sabir, Royal Alexandra Hosp for Children; Tinker, Central Sydney Area Health Srvc; Eltransco PL, Carpenter in Behalf of Prestige Insurance Brokers PL. Acting Judge Hogan: Court 13D: 10am: Hearings: Porter, Overhead Doors Australia PL. Acting Judge Bowden: Court 13A: 10am: Cml Directions Hg: Talevski, Sailly.

Acting Judge Bowden: Court 13A: 10am: Cml Directions Hq: Hough, Moriah War Memorial College Association; Nestes, Younan; Gonzo, Moorebank Rugby League Club Inc; Abbas, NSW Land and Housing Corp; Abbas, NSW Land and Housing Corporation; Gonzales Fabrication Erection PL, Choker. 10.15am: Toreye PL, Mediacompete PL; Talbot, the State of NSW; Giatrou, Shangri-la Cruises PL; Rosen, Woollahra Municipal Council; Thomas, Global Self Storage Alexandria PL; Rouse, Moore's General Holdings PL. 10.30am: Baratsas Baratsas; Baratsas and Baratsas, Baratsas; Stamateris, Fotini Stamateris, Baratsas and Stella Christodolou, Ridena PL. 10.45am: Cahill Griffith Abattoirs PL. 10.45am: Cml Directions Hg: Kilby, Peakhurst Inn PL; Fox, Peakhurst Inn PL; Hidalgo, the Nominal Defendant.

11am: Biggins, Lovett Bay Holdings PL: Soden, Depapa PL; Kalidis, National Australia Trustees Ltd; Efstathiadis Efstathiadis, Efstathiadis. 11.15am: Styash PL, Ots Publications PL. 11.15am: Cml Directions Hg: Cisera, Kostic. 12pm: Khera, Davis; Roth, Mcdonald's Australia PL; Buckett, Harris; Muksin, State Rail Authority of NSW. 12.15pm: Amedrac PL, Adams and Associates PL; Butler, Kassagrove PL; Jia Wu Huang Lin, Travel Seekers PL; Kucukakyuz, Downs.

12.30pm: Salmi Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc; Norman, Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc; Salmi, Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc; Norman, Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc; Mastoridis, Biniakos, Santino'S Cranes PL. 2pm: Morrison, Del-Rosario; D.P., the State of NSW; Maitland Training and Employment Centre Inc, State of NSW Dept of Probation and Parole; Archer, Cheney. 2.15pm: Fitzpatrick, Wentworthville Leagues Club Ltd; Gazelle Foods PL, Food Traders Australia PL; Harkness, Fox; Gaylard, Sten PL. 2.30pm: Douglas, Green Leisure Group PL; Koussa, Palmer. Acting Judge Bowden: Court 13A: 2.30pm: Cml Directions Hg: Clarke, Smith; Thrush Thrush, Rickards.

2.45pm: Alkourdi Zipser; Gale, Daydream Island international Resort PL; Solga PL, Sorokowski; Diez-simson, Staging Constructions PL. 3pm: Honeywell Ltd Ehi Fluid Power PL; Frost, Council of the City of Sydney. 3pm: Cml Directions Hg: Scullard, Kellog PL. David Maddox (Arbitrator): Room 2: 9.30am: Daoud, Martinson Eng PL. Peter Larcombe (Arbitrator): Room 3: Cahill, Perpetual Trustee Co Limi.

Graham Segal (Arbitrator): Room 4: Robinson, Inland Cafe PL. Sandrasegera (Arbitrator: Room 5: Argyropoulos, Bankstown City Council. Anthony Scarcella (Arbitrator: Room 6: Brystand PL. Leslie Wolf(Arbitrator): Room 7: Ajaka, Ajaka. Reserve Matters: 9.30am: Thompson Trustees of the Franciscan Mis; Neale, Anz Bank Superannuation Fund; Karandonis, Greek Macedonian Club Alexande; Ashley, Ciesielski; Nuhic, the Owners of Strata Plan No: Clarke, Campbelitown City Council; Newton, Centennial Park and Moorepark; Licastro, State of NSW; Teki, Sutherland Shire Council; Barbour, Jephcote PL; Summons, Rogen International P.

11am: Gibbling Jetcrete PL; Cairns, NSW Land and Housing Corp; Murphy, Wattyl Australia Lttd; Margaret Wilson, Amp Shopping Centres PL. 11.30am: Please Announce Your Appearance to the Arbitration Clerk; Ritchie Ladbroke PL; Kyprianou, Boulboulas; Troup, Glyndom PL. Please Announce Your Appearance to the Arbitration Clerk. Return Subpoenas: Court 11A: 9am: Wellman, Roads Traffic Authority of NSW; Eirini Vallianos, St George Sailing Club Ltd; Pericleous, Pericleous; Anderson, Youth Off the Streets Inc; De Costi Seafoods PL, Compucare PL; Sidhom Sidhom, Fai General Insurance; Filed City Valuations PL, Nikolaidis; Sueltemeyer, Novy; Novy, Novy; Pekar, Bung-on Sirikasemlert; Campbell, Canning Son PL; Mastoridis, and Biniakos, Santino'S Cranes PL; Schillings, Armstrong; Salloum Salloum, Salloum; Victorien, Victorien. Mcsherry; Keynes, Rushton; Vigliante, Tempo Srvcs Ltd; Dickinson, Middleton; Fox, State Superannuation Board; Stranges, Pirelli Cables Australia Ltd; Zivkovic, State Rail Authority of NSW; Kearl, Hutchings; Aldridge, CronullaSutherland Leagues Club Ltd; Thessman, Gregory Rae.

9.30am: Rose, Howell; likay Sendil, Hodgkinson; Sinigaglia, Pilkington Ltd; Clarke, Meriton Apartments PL; Forrestal, Teague; Walker, Therese King; Caetano, Ross Howard Plumbing PL; Cameron, Richards; Rubio, Doolan; Rowe, Caley: Hanawi, Magill; Nesci, Euroline PL; Cook, Brady; Zantua, Szeto; Paea, Falzon; Paea, Falzon; Paea, Falzon; Paea, Falzon; Paea, Falzon; Paea By Her, Faizon; Romancewicz, Simpson; Hanley, Watson; Wilson, Wilisher. 10am: Paraskavadakis, Water Corporation Ltd; Resource and Energy Drilling PL, Brambles Australia Ltd; Perrens, Barbara Frances Murray; Tzavaras and Tzavaras, Adams; Prouzos, Hettich Holdings; Olovcic, Lee; Blue Hawk Security PL, Ame Hosps PL; Cusinga-Ortiz, Rose; Taha, State of NSW; Licastro, State of NSW; Torda, Dept of Corrective Srics; Menzies Property Srvcs PL, State of NSW; Simelane, Mhlanga-Mdluli, NSW Dept of School Education; Elliott, Mineray PL; Brown, Hudson; Beard, Dagher; Dunbar, Croker; Sra Yutisart-Kosol, Klimt; Kourdou, Gerace; Greig, Miller; Fameli, State Transit Authority of NSW; Taylor, Tempo Srvcs Ltd; Rice, the State of NSW; Dai, a Line Properties PL; Lee, Kalfus; Collaroy, State Rail Authority of NSW; Fred Halime, Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd (Formerly Mmi General Insurance Ltd; Robinson, Centrelink. 11am: Arabi, Tomicic; Aspland, Yamaha Motor Australia PL; Rowe, Commonwealth Bank of Australia; William Bannerman, Hardware General Supplies Ltd; Dale, Apcare; Hall, Lavell; Armstrong, State of NSW; Matkovic, Parkerville Nominees PL; Gibb, State of NSW; Helprin, Kentucky Fried Chicken PL; Dillon, Gridcon PL; Hick, FA Page PL; Patterson, National Foods Ltd; Ridolfi, State Rail Authority; Comparini, State of NSW; Busways Blacktown PL, Theodore Filippi; Buanne, Marrickville Muncipal Council; Jarman, Perpetual Trustees WA Ltd; Faour, Ann Canov; Joy, Ashfield RSL Club Ltd; Mei, Deng. 11.30am: Mazurkiewicz, Ransfield; Grundy, Legend Marine Srvcs Australia PL; Scott, Fosses PL; Mocelutu, Ye; Coffey, Marrickville City Council; Baldacchino, Paynter Dixon Constructions PL; Braiden, Austin; Roache, She's Apples Fruit Market; Smith, Pascol Paints Aust PL; Mansour, Wood Technique PL; Mcdonald, Macquarie Mills PL; Corbalan, Nickless Ltd; Shackleford, Perko; Hardy, Austotel Trading PL; Ghattas, the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Sydney; Cruikshank By Her Next Friend Cruikshank, Cruickshank; Zouroudis, Freeman; Carroll, Concord Municipal Council: Novakovic, Trazmet PL; Lai, Panagis; Hoy, Ferguson, Hanks. 12.15pm: Guo, Bkk Australia PL; Clanachan, Cassidy, Howlin, Gibson; Robert Higgins By His Next Friend Stewart, Higgins, Griffiths; Jeisman, Byvan PL; Eggleton, Transfield PL; Cubrilo, Tran; Bell, Newman; Ramza Aouchan, Sarroff; Alameddine, South Eastern Sydney Area Health Srvc (Tiffany Fozzard); Withers, Willoughby By Her Tutor, Withers, Lamothe PL; Lica, Woolworths Ltd; Dent, Hunter Valley Tandem Skydiving Club Inc; Schultz, the NSW Dept of Education and Training; Cornock, Senbruns Dwyer; Moule, Council of the City of Sydney.

2pm: Perpetual Trustees Australia Ltd, Centrecourt PL; Vatner, Fai Life Insurance Society Ltd; Goodwin-Robinson, Nid Confectionery Machinery PL (Anthony Herron); Barrett, South Western Sydney Area Health Srvc; Loughran, Peak Gold Mines PL; Davies, Kent; Dimas-Herd, Craig; Munoz, Clotilde Kilian; Ahmad, Singh; Hutton, Club Hotels Group PL; Frew, Campbelitown City Council; Adily, Adily, Adily, Adily By His Next Friend Akbari, Chalmers; Hecht, Amalgamated Food Poultry PL; Benson, Sega Enterprises PL; Ram, Oib; Lee, Canterbury City Council; Nakhoul, Ellis; Houteas, the State Transit Authority of NSW; Oruc, Milne; Dib, South Sydney City Council; Sugden, Developments PL; Burtinshaw, Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd; Curry, Nicholls; Castro As Tutor for Castro, Jung; Reeves, Flexible Packaging PL; Richards, David Jones Ltd; Cosimi, Wollongong City Council. 2.30pm: Egis Consulting Australia PL, Ipandco PL; Mccoll, State Rail Authority of NSW; Withers, Cordina Chicken Farms PL; Wallace, Schwartz Family Co PL; Barbara Kelly, National Australia Trustees Ltd; Payne, Greenstone; Beckett, Coles Supermarkets Australia PL; Radford, Australian Co-op Foods Ltd; Morris, Amalgamated Hotels PL; Lopez, Woolworths Ltd; Hickey, Davistown RSL Club Ltd; Mcareavey, Nrma Ltd; Ilic, Wai; Bun, Hume Doors Timbers PL; Renton By His Tutor Renton, Steele; Richmond, Austin; Halilovic, Sloan; Balic, Douglas-Ward; Morgan, Bananacoast Community Credit Union; Stefanovic, Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd; Dowling, Handocha; Macmillan, Sceggs Darlinghurst Ltd; Fares, Techniskill PL Workforce International PL; Marmont, Nair; Rock, Fantastic Furniture PL; Bourke, State Transit Authority; Richard, Gendore Enterprises PL; Fiaschi, Queenwood School Girls Ltd; Uibopuu, Smithfield RSL Club Ltd; Foat, Get'm PL. 3pm: Kenny, Stollery: Mount Mount, State of NSW; Coman, Erikson; Ryan, Moscato; Prince, Cunningham; Connor, Meyer; National Food Group PL, Shopping Centre Management PL; Creak, Scheepers; Souliotis, Theodourou; Cairney, Amp Asset Management Australia Ltd. Return Subpoenas: Court 11A: 3pm: Dovey, Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd; Abax Insurance Contracting Ltd; PL, Hih Casualty General Gallagher, Suncorp Insurance Ltd; Kumar, Frendo; Sabri, Munroe Springs PL; Jenkinson, Wood; Green, the State of NSW As Represented By NSW -Dept of Health; Chen, Fawal; Gillan, Wilson; Lane, Link Elevators Co PL; Germain, Germain, Nthrn Sydney Area Health Srvc (Andrew-webb); Cuevas, NSW Land Housing Corporation; Cook, State of NSW; Duggan, Westpac Banking Corporation; Ayyoub, Whaid Essale; Bruce, Hatakeyama; Rowen, Trustees of Sisters of St. Joseph; Zervas, South Eastern Sydney Area Helath Srvc; Mcelligott, Starby PL; Helprin, Energy Australia; Skelly, Lloyd; Russo, Hae Sook Choi; Maytom, South Western Sydney Area Health Srvc (Blaise Lyons); Crawley, Tricon Restaurants Australia PL 3.30pm: Roberts, Miller; Lucas, Pixley; Jarman Jarman, the Owners Strata Plan No 32905; South Western Sydney Health Srvc, Masters; Tesic.

Ansett Australia Ltd; Simkovits, Ford; Webb, Pidcock; Spiridis, Coles Meyer Ltd; Tickner, Sevabu PL; Page, Mennegazzo; Erdogdu, the State of NSW; Allen, Australasian Conference Association Ltd Crn; Millington, Wilkie; Luong, Tran; Esperanza Arevalo, Qantas Airways Ltd; Fair Trading Administration Corporation, Milleen Constructions PL; Ryan, Canas and Canas; Raman, Miletic Marijana Kontrec; Shnouda, White; Jones By His Tutor Jones, Rooke; Johnston, Hollis; Cisneros, Central Sydney Area Health Srvc; Mccarthy, Soh; Young, South Western Sydney Area Health Srvc; Murugadas, Industrial Rellformers PL; George, Test-rite International Australia PL; Thomson, NSW Tafe Commission Through its Macarthur Technical College; Courtney, Davids Ltd; Maughan, Woolworths Ltd; Wrobel, Curtain PL; Shewing, Co Ltd; Jones, Rooke; CHESS Gluzman and Koshnitsky win Zonals International Master Michael Gluzman has won the World Championship Open zonal and Ngan Koshnitsky has won the Womens Zonal last week on the Queensland Gold Coast. Gluzman started the event very badly losing to Brett Tindall in round 1 and Leonid Sandler in round 3. Gluzman won his last 6 games to tie for first. A play off match of two fifteen minute games to determine who would qualify for the World Championship knockout match tournament later this year resulted in a win for Gluzman 1.5 to Chapman 0.5 FIDE Master Mark Chapman of Adelaide started in fine style winning his first 4 games. IM Leonid Sandler missed a very simple win with a king and rook versus king and pawn in his 5th round game against Chapman and drew.

Gluzman joined Chapman in the lead by beating him in round 7. The ninth and final round was very tense. Chapman steadily outplayed Lee Jones and won. -Gluzman had to beat IM Vladimir Feldman to tie for first place. Feldman a gradually gained the upper hand and won the exchange and a pawn but Gluzman fought back and won.

Chapman led the event for all 9 rounds and was unlucky not to qualify. Gluzman and Chapman each scored 3 wins against unrated players and 4 out of 6 against rated players. Leading final scores (21 rounds) IM M. Gluzman FM M.Chapman (SA) 7 IM L.Sandler (VIC) and FM Mirko Rujevic (VIC) 6 S.Wastney (New Zealand) 5.5 IM Z. Zhao (NSW), IM V.Feldman (NSW), A.Allen (QLD), B.

Tindall (NSW), K.Stead (NSW) and L.Jones (NSW) all 5 points. Ngan Koshnitsky and Irina Berezina-Feldman shared the lead with 5.5 out of seven in the Oceanic Women's Zonal. Koshnitsky won their eighth round encounter in a long hard fought game. Final scores (7players) N.Koshnitsky (SA) I.BerezinaFeldman (NSW) 6.5 N.Szuveges (VIC) 4.5/9 L.Moylan (ACT) 3.5/9 N.Mills (VIC), C.Lip (NSW) V.Smith (New Zealand) 2.5/8 Roden, Wingate; Hall, Reeves. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES IN COURT SESSION 50 PHILLIP STREET, SYDNEY Justice Wright, President: Court 5: Floor 4: 10am: Directions and Plea: Insp Piggott, Advantage Personnel PL Pros s.15(1) OHS; Insp Piggott, JCS Eng Fabrications PL Pros 5.16(1) OHS.

Justice Walton, Vice-president: Court 7: Floor 5: 2pm: Directions: Shellharbour Golf Club Ltd, Shellharbour City Council. Justice Glynn: Court 3: Floor 3: 9.30am: Mention: Leggott, Fag Australia PL; Murray, SAS Trustee Corporation- Appeal. 10am: Hearing: Cummings, Cross Ocean Forwarding Srvcs PL. Justice Hungerford: Court 1: Floor 2: 9.30am: Directions: Filipuzzi and ors, Patrick Stevedores Holdings PL. 10am: Hearing: Insp Robins, Labour Co-op Ltd Pros s.15(1) OHS.

Justice Peterson: Court 10: Floor 2: 10am: Mention: Anderson, John William Clissold anor. 2pm: Mention: W. L. L. A.

Northey PL, Collex Waste Management PL. Justice Marks: Court 4: Floor 4: 10am: Conciliation: Yenlone PL, Global One Communications PL. Justice Kavanagh: Court 11: Floor 2: 10am: Further Conciliation: Hopper, Computer Associates PL 10am: Mention: BHP Steel (AIS) PL, AWU contravention of dispute order. 10am: Further Mention: Insp Patton, Brambles Aust Ltd Gardner Perrott Pros 5.27(A) OHS; Insp Patton, Brambles Aust Ltd Gardner Perrott Pros s.15(1) OHS; Insp Patton, Brambles Aust Ltd Gardner Perrott Pros s.15 (1) OHS; Insp Patton, Brambles Aust Ltd Gardner Perrott Pros 5.15 (1) OHS; Insp Plowright, Davis (Newcastle) PL Pros 5.16(1) OHS; Insp Plowright, Capitol Apartments PL Pros s.16(1) OHS. 12pm: Further Conciliation: Cornale, Automation Atwork Per Se Technologies International.

Justice Boland: Court 2: Floor 3: 9.30am: Report Back: Inspector Jones, Fernandes Constructions PL pros s.16(1) OHS. Justice Boland: Court 2: Floor 3: 9.45am: Mention: Hilder and ors, Phillip Parisi and anor. 10am: Hearing: WorkCover Authority of NSW (Inspector Robins), Howard Sons Fireworks Spectacular PL. FULL BENCH: Inspection Downing Centre: 8.30am: Crown E'ees (Court Officers, Attorn Gens Dept) Awd; Crown E'ees (Court Officers, Attorney General's Dept) Awd. FULL BENCH: Court 7: Floor 5: 2pm: Hearing: Flats, Residentials Wages Adj Awd Notice of awd review; Flats, Res Red Tech Change Awd Notice of awd review; Flats Residentials Awd Not of Awd Rev; Motels, Accommodation Resorts, Awd not of awd review; Accommodation (St) Awd for new award.

Justice Walton, Vice- president: Court 7: Floor 5: 11.30am: Report Back: Dispute ETU ors BHP re contracting out of maintenance staff; Dispute BHP Steel (AIS) AWU ors re strikes bans. Justice Peterson: Court 10: Floor 2: 9.30am: Mention: Hotel E'ees Ind C'ttee. 9.45am: Mention: Patti NSW Police Srvc. Justice Marks: Court 4: Floor 4: 9.30am: Mention: Theatrical E'ees (Training Wage) Awd Not of awd review; Ent Brocastg Ind Live Thtre Cncrt Awd Not of Awd Rev; Theatrical Employees' Redundancy (State) Award Notice of awd review; Theatrical E'ees (Training Wage) Awd. Justice Schmidt: Court 9: Floor 6: 2pm: Crown E'ees (Court Officers, Attorn Gens Dept) Awd; Crown E'ees (Court Officers, Attorney General's Dept) Awd.

237 WHARF ROAD, NEWCASTLE Deputy President Harrison: Court 1: Floor 3: 9.15am: Return of Subpoena: Maidens-Fuller Ridge Hill PL. Not Before: 9.15am: Compulsory Conference: DisputeMEU Muswellbrook Shire Council re appt to position. 10.30am: Hearing: Bartter Enterp Steggles Foods Prod PL Cierical Agree 2000 2002; Batter Enterp PL Beresfield Oper Livestock Agree Batter Enterp Blackhill Labs Agree 2000; Batter Enterp Beresfield Oper Milling (Manu) Agree Deputy President Harrison: Court 1: Floor 3: 11am: Compulsory Conference: Dispute MEU Energy Aust re ACE program. 11.15am: Directions and Conciliation: Aylward Hunter Valley Bakery. 11.30am: Report Back Conference: Dispute APESMA Macquarie Generation ors re positions.

12pm: Directions and Conciliation: Rowsel! Schwager Chiropractor. 2pm: Directions and Conciliation: Whitbread Beasley Wilson Co. PL Quiklec. 2.45pm: Directions and Conciliation: Pois Mild Song PL. 3.30pm: Report Back Conference: Dispute Comm Steel Co Ltd AWU re stoppage.

50 PHILLIP STREET, SYDNEY NSW Deputy President Sams: Court 6: Floor 5: 9.30am: Directions: Lord Comm of Police. 10am: Hearing: Adecco Projects Australia PL Homebush Bay and Other Venues (State) Award 2000 Notice of awd review; Superdome Enterprise Consent (State) Award 1999 Notice of awd review; Clerical Employees in Metropolitan Newspapers (State) Award Notice of awd review; State Sports Centre Casual Event Staff (State) Award 2000 Notice of awd review; Sydney Entertainment Centre Food, Beverage and Bar Srvc Employees) Enterprise Award 1998 Notice of awd review; The Stadium Australia Consent Enterprise (State) Award 1998 Notice of awd review. 2pm: Directions and Conciliation: Hall Church Missionary Society Aust Incorp. Justice Boland: Court 2: Floor 3: 3.30pm: Report Back: Dispute Ambulance Serv of NSW HREA re bans. BATHURST COURT HOUSE RUSSELL STREET BATHURST Commissioner Patterson: Court Room: 10am: Preliminary Hearing: Hines Westech Industrial Controls.

10.45am: Compulsory Conference: Dispute TWU Freighters re breach of awd. 11.30am: Resumption Preliminary Hearing: Clayton Ensign Srics (Aus) PL; Clayton Ensign Srvcs (Aust) PL. 815-825 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY NSW Commissioner Connor: Room 9: Floor 8: 9am: Mention: Heggies Bulkhau! Ltd Bulk Haulage Enterp Awd Not of awd review; T'snport Ind Mixed Enterprises Interim Awd Notice of awd review; Transport Ind Super Awd not of awd review; Galatis Trojan Transport Srvcs; LHMU on behalf of McCarthy City of Sydney RSL Club. 11am: Return of Subpoena Further Directions: TWU Mayne Nickless. 11.30am: Compulsory Conference: Dispute TWU Bartter Enterprises re upgrade of vehicle.

12pm: Compulsory Conference: Dispute AWU Omya Sthrn PL re late payment of wages. Commissioner Connor: Room 9: Floor 8: 2pm: Hearing: Dispute TWU Shoja re entitlements not paid to bailee. 4.30pm: Compulsory Conference: Dispute TWU ABIGrp anor re breach of contract determination. 4.30pm: Mention: Tibbetts Powercell Aust PL. Commissioner O'Neill: Room 11: Floor 9: 10am: Hearing: ALHMWU on behalf of Rutter George Nawar Saint Abraams Child Care Centre.

3.30pm: Preliminary Hearing: Rolls Speed Queen Distributors. 50 PHILLIP STREET, SYDNEY NSW Commissioner Tabbaa: Hearing Room 13: Floor 5: 9.30am: Preliminary Hearing: TWU on behalf of Brewster Rethmann A.E.S. PL. 10.30am: Preliminary Hearing: Garnsey Tynan Motors PL. 11.30am: Preliminary Hearing: Cicino Eddie Yong.

AMP CENTRE 90 CROWN STREET, WOLLONGONG Commissioner Murphy: Room 1: Floor 6: 9am: Report Back: Dispute AWU W'gong Civil Contract anor re reinstatement of staff. 10.15am: Hearing: Carmichael R.J. Dix Electrical PL; Sharland R.J. Dix Electrical PL. 815-825 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY NSW Commissioner Neal: Room 4: Floor 8: 9.30am: Hearing: ALHMWU on behalf of Lau Royal Automobile Club of Aust.

4pm: Mention: Paterson Corpers (No. 70) PL One Stop Pine. Commissioner Cambridge: Room 12: Floor 7: 9.15am: Return of Subpoena: Joseph Westpath Srvcs PL. 10.30am: Report Back: Dispute HREA Ambulance Srvc anor re increments. 11.30am: Preliminary Hearing: Lyons Blackmores Ltd.

2.15pm: Preliminary Hearing: David Silkside flas Table Eight. Commissioner Bishop: Room 5: Floor 8: 11am: Preliminary Hearing: NSW Nurses' Assoc on behalf of Fry Sthrn Area Health Srvc NSW; NSW Nurses' Assoc on behalf of Fenwick Sthrn Area Hith Serv NSW; NSW Assoc on behalf of Barton Sthrn Area Health Serv. 12pm: Preliminary Hearing: Felton and Tami PL L'Otel. 2pm: Herrett Three Link Up PL. 3pm: Report Back: Dispute AWU National Parks Wildlife re accommodation; Dispute AWU National Parks Wildlife Srvc re transfer of staff member; Dispute AWU RTA re overtime.

3.30pm: Report Back: Dispute FMSCEU More Plains Council re failure to intro a salary sys by 4pm: Report Back: Alexiou Hawkdale PL. Commissioner McLeay: Room 6: Floor 8: 9.45am: Report Back: Mechanical Opticians (St) Awd; Mechanical Opticians (St) Awd. 10am: Preliminary Hearing: Trajcevski Plumbing. 11am: Preliminary Hearing: Molloy Menage A Trois. 12pm: Preliminary Hearing: Tam Inghams Enterp PL re dismissal.

Commissioner McLeay: Room 6: Floor 8: 2pm: Further Preliminary Hearing: Asofitu and Jennmar Australia. 3pm: Further Preliminary Hearing: Hill Lane Industries PL. LAND AND ENVIRONMENT COURT WINDEYER CHAMBERS 225 MACQUARIE STREET, SYDNEY Justice Peariman, Chief Judge: Court No. 12a: List Judge 9.30am: E.P.A, Brazel; Lucas Tait (Sales) PL, Shoalhaven CC. Justice Lloyd: Court No.

10b: Hearing 10am: E.P.A, Taylor. Justice Cowdroy: Court No. 5b: Duty Judge 9.30am: Jonah PL, Pittwater Sda International PL, Sydney CC; Basemount PL, Baulkham Hills SC. Hearing 10am: Fast BuckS. Dudley Pastoral PL.

Commissioner Watts: Court No. 3a: Hearing 11am: (On-Site 9am) Mustaca, Willoughby CC. Commissioner Bly Court No. 3c Hearing 10am: Pioneer Consultants PL, Randwick CC. Commissioner Hussey: Kiama Hearing 10am: Kounavis, Shoalhaven CC.

Commissioner Hoffman Court No. 1a Hearing 10am: (Upon Referral From Duty Judge) Jonah PL, Pittwater C. Commissioner Murrell: Court No. 5a: Hearing 10am: Walker, Warringah C. Registrar Dafkovski: Med Rm Lvl 1, Issues Conference 2pm: Wollong PL.

Shoalhaven CC. Registrar Dafkovski: Court No. 3b: Telephone Callover 9.10am: Lowe, Shellharbour CC. 9.20am: Newtec Concrete Consts, Greater Taree CC; Kempe, Greater Taree CC. 9.30am: Max Lynch Group Pty Limited, Newcastle CC.

9.40am: Graham, Lismore CC. 9.50am: Vimrin PL, CCSR. 10am: Chris Lonergan Assoc, Byron SC. 10.10am: Lee, Carrathool SC. 10.20am: Matthews, Pristine Waters C.

10.40am: Auguszczak, V.G. 10.50am: Chris Lonergan Assoc, Byron SC. 12.30pm Keating Anor, Wyong SC. COMPENSATION COURT 88 GOULBURN STREET, SYDNEY Judge Davidson: Court 7C: Floor 7: 10.15am: Judgment: Rivero, Apollo Partitions Joinery PL, Workcover Authority of NSW. Formwork PL Hearing: Legge, the Uniting Church in Australia NSW Synod.

Judge O' Toole: Court 7B: Floor Addresses: Miller, Forster Local Aboriginal Land Council. Hearing: Cook, Design Landscapes PL; Conaty, Crow and Crow; Kings, Workcover Authority of NSW; Cobane, Tnt Transport PL; Wells, Defence Force Credit Union; Schmid, PJ RA Valentine. Judge Neilson: Court 7D: Floor 7: 10am: To Be Mentioned: Turner, Wyong Tyre Srvcs PL, Kennedy Cleaning Srvcs; Australia PL; Grundy, Penrith City Council; Czerkesow, Central Coast Area Health Srvc in Respect of; Gosford District Hosp, Hunter Area Health Belmont District Hosp; Blackman, Brieth PL; Bollinger, Nearday PL, Dps Abbatoirs PL, Troop; Concreting, Bonser, Owdash PL, Brown Concrete; Srvcs Quasar Constructions PL, All Areas Concrete; Pumping PL, Workcover Authority of Formosa, Challenge Recruitment PL; Gibson, Mt Druitt Area Community Legal Centre Inc. Hearing: Kavanagh, Sutherland Shire Council, NSW Fire Brigades; Feltham, Dept of Community Srvcs. Judge Hughes: Court 5B: Floor 5: 10am: To Be Mentioned: Carrett, Holroyd City Council.

Motion on Notice: Paul, Collins Davey PL; Stojanovska, George Weston Foods Ltd; Cooke, Commissioner of Police: Crinis, Vivare PL: Davies, Corinthian Industries PL; Milevski, Holiday inn, Coogee Beach; Gardem, Gardem Investments; Bool, Alan Wilson Electrical PL; Cleinwerck, NSW Dept of Housing; Homann, Woollahra Municipal Council; Dai, Colonial Castings PL; Purdon, Brooks Tyre Brake Steering Srvc; Skinner, Numac PL; Bennett, Dept of School Education; Hearing: Minnick, Tintorama PL; Gloria Sidell, David Jones Ltd; Owen, Sthrn Sydney Institute NSW Tafe Commission; Cooke, Bill Buckle Automotive PL; Mcpherson, Governmnet Cleaning Srvc; Kaye. Spartan Spices Australia PL; Broome, Franklins Ltd; Wyong Shire Council, Barry Dodd. Rindetta PL, Collier; Fatma Ismail, Bulli Spinners PL; Lane, Coles Supermarkets PL; Pace Farms PL, Cohen; Stafford Associates PL, Jacka; Patel, O'Brien; NSW Police Srvc, Brown; Kiama Supply Co PL, Reichelt; Stadiums PL, Workcover Authority of NSW, Holt; Gunnedah Shire Abattoirs, Cochrane; Western White Linen Srvc, Bennett: Visyboard PL, Stott. Motion on Notice: Kembrey, Lachlan Valley Meat Co PL. Acting Judge, Judge Bagnail: Court 6A: Floor 6: 10am: Hearing: Lata, Cryofab Industries Ltd, Roy, Roy, Roy, Chicoll, De Facto; Step-son of the Deceased; Kordahi, Tooheys Ltd.

Assistant Registrar Cox: Court 9: Floor 9: 9.45am: To Be Mentioned: Antaw, Ford, Gordon; Griffiths, State Rail Authority of NSW, Castle Ridge; Retirement Resort: Field, Rice Contract Cleaners, Global Caretakers PL; Santi, Ffe Building Srvcs PL; Mackintosh, Gill, Williams, Moore; Smith, Starrim PL, George Weston Foods PL; Bakeries PL; Zoletas, Berkeley Pty; Challenge PL, Rothmans Prestige of Pall Property Mall Ltd; Zdravko Ruzic, Capral Aluminium Ltd, Tubemakers of Australia; Clarke, Heinz Co Australia Ltd, Tnt Australia PL; Collis, Potts Hill Nominees PL; Stop; El-Boustani, Menzies Hotel; Holthuis, Central Coast Area Health Srvc, North Gosford Private Hosp, Peninsula Village Ltd; Strika, Shellharbour Workers Club Ltd; Apostolovska, Creative Tours PL; John Wolf, Seatones Transport PL; Banser, Njm Computer Srvcs PL; Australia, Workcover Authority of NSW; Patrizi, Adecco Holdings PL; Witenden, Chardleigh PL; Freese, Iscu Carinda Gin PL; Heley, the Construction Connection PL; Pompallier, Marrickville Council; Reeves, State Transit Authority of NSW; Hamam, Tower Technology PL, Best People International PL; Staines, Esar Bunkering Srvcs PL; Mostyn, Legal Aid Commission of NSW: Papamihalis, Paddington Prestige Smash Repairs PL; Gulen, Acpe Redlands Ltd; Education; Forbes, Alsco Linen Srvc Ltd; Dumpleton, Hurstville City Council; Dearing, Site Right Grounds Maintenance PL; Mcdonell, Sydney Personalised Tours PL: Spalding, Boral Resources PL; Louise By Her Next Friend Cook, Bluepetais PL, Oceantime: PL; Cama, Lipman PL; Byrnes, Byrnes Coach Srvc; Tarrant, State Rail Authority of NSW, Rail Srvcs; Australia; Langhorn, Heggies Bulkhaul Ltd; Clarke, Crowe's Steel Hardware PL; Sananikone, British Campbelltown Aerospace City Council; Australia Smith, PL: Boyle, Funds Management Ltd, Geoff Smith Property Srics Pty: Ltd; Ayton, Harbord Diggers Memorial Club Ltd. Motion on Notice: Green, Bourcon PL; Kelly, Brian Mcquigan Wines Ltd; Hutcheson, State of NSW. 85 GEORGE STREET PARRAMATTA Judge Armitage: Court 3B: Floor 3: 10am: Hearing: Zhang. Guo, Workcover Authority of NSW; Galjuf, Len Hollis Smash Repairs; Mcnamara, Leo Green PL. Judge Walker: Court 3A: Floor 3: 10am: Hearing: Davis, Perisher Blue PL; Mccullum, Patrick Stevedores No 1 Ltd; Sloan, Camden Valley Electrical; Gorman, Osteone Holdings PL; Osman, Osman; Cumpanas, Dimeo Cleaning Srvcs PL PL: Loder, Rickmelt PL.

State of NSW, Ana; Campos. Acting Judge, Judge Burke: Court 4A: Floor 4: 10am: Callover for Wagga Wagga Circuit Week Comencing Chalmers, Csr Ltd; Spackman, Spackman; Minchin, Heinjus, Reinchstein, JOT Davis; Hewson, Billy Tea Co PL; Mckenzie, Metro Meat Ltd. Shopping Centre Cleaning Srvcs Pty; Ltd, Workcover Authority of NSW, Woolworths Properties PL, Wootton; Staines, Bartter Enterprises PL, Workcover Authority and; Rehabilitation Authority of NSW; the Protective Commission As Next Friend for Hoare, DE a Hoare; Middleton, Bergin Transport PL, Fertspread PL; Holden, Freight Corp; Pieper, Wesfarmers Dalgety Ltd; Garret, Lampe Citrus Australia; Arnold, the Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Wagga; Wagga; Mullins, Geale, Geale Edward; Gulliford; Lawson, Freighters PL; Rofe, Norton Vale PL; Ahiquist, Baulderstone Honibrook; Hardy, Finemores PL; Barber, Batter Enterprises PL; Williams, Charles Sturt University: Powell, Greater Murray Health Srvc; Guy, Transit Droving Co PL; Mcdermott, Metro Meat Ltd, Cargill Foods Australia Ltd; Leaver, Lotsirb Nominees PL, Taubmans PL; Mcrae, Menzies Property Srvcs PL; Campbell, Sthrn Area Health Srvc; Booth, Laminex PL; Fearne, Home Care Srvc of NSW; Marsh, Rail Srvcs Australia; Thomas, Cargill Foods Australia PL: Ekin, Eurobodalla Shire Council; Wornes, Menzies Wagga Nthrn PL; Kerry. Rorrison Holdings PL; Ltd; Lonsdale, Willis Bricks PL; Fitzgerald, Hallyar Trading PL, Burton: Lonsdale, Great Sthrn Energy: Murdoch, Great Parramatta Mental Health Srve; Tucker, Anderson; Hope, Fj Jm Stevens; Lynch, Australasian Correctional Management; Pik, Oasis Concrete Tanks; Stelter, Mitchell Transport PL Judgment: Best, Redhawk Industries PL fka Redhawk PL, Workcover Authority of NSW, Whiteley Industries PL: Zaronias, Papaiani, Workcover Authority New South; Wales, Hamilton, Workcover Authority of NSW, Zaronias, Zaronias. Motion on Notice: Hales, Go-karts-go Australia PL.

Phillip Myers Trading As Myers; Security Srvcs PL, Phillip Myers Trading As Starlite Cabinets, Fennell Enterprises PL. Workcover Authority NSW. Hearing: Rooney, State Transit Authority of NSW. Commissioner Hunt: Court 2B: Floor 2: 10am: Hearing: Cremin, Qantas Airways Ltd; Roache, University of NSW: Jeffrey, Target Australia PL; Malafouris, Autosat Australia PL, Tomola Motors PL; Fiacchino, Aristocrat Leisure Industries PL; Saleh, Amcor Packaging PL; Australasia; Melksham, Tyre Marketers Ltd; Amato, Zolzar Holdings PL. Commissioner Hogg: Court 2C: Floor 2: 10am: Motion on Notice: Mohamad El-Khodr.

Tyne Container Srvcs PL Hearing: Marshall, Contracting PL, Workcover Authority NSW. CNR SCOTT NEWCOMEN ST. NEWCASTLE Judge O'Meally: Court 1: Floor 4: 10am: Motion on Notice: Tiplady, BHP Rod, Bar and Wire. Hearing: Kuterovac, Merrell Cleaning Srvcs PL; Forbutt, JA Crockett Roofers PL; Henry, American Express Inc; Papadopoulos, Hunter Valley Care PL; Craddock, Abb Eng Construction PL; Small, Broken Hill Proprietary Co Ltd; Williams, Jessie Clothing and Shoes. Hunter Area Health Srvc, Shaw.

NSW COUNTRY CIRCUIT COURTS Judge Moran: Ballina Court House, River Street, Ballina: 10am: Hearing: Stavert, Maclean Shire Council; Starkey, Sturdy Steel Constructions PL; Greedy, Sthrn Cross School Association; Milgate, Franklins Ltd; Elliott, Nthrn Rivers Area Health Srvc; Turner, Richmond Valley County Council; Giles, Sunny Brand Chickens PL Thew, Fresh Steamed Carpet Cleaners PL; Hoya Lens Australia PL. Elliston; Mart Australia Ltd. Mccowan; South Eastern Sydney Area Health Srvc, Nicholson. Judge Duck: Kurri Kurri Court House: Lang Street, Kurri Kurri: 10.30am: Hearing: Plunkett, Newcastle Wallsend Coal Co Ltd; Boyson, Powercoal PL: Mcloughlin, Namoi Mining PL; Howie, Powercoal PL. Judge Maquire: Goulburn Court House, Montaque Street, Goulburn: 10am: Hearing: Inches, Laporte Group Australia Ltd: Grimston, Fine Meats PL: Robertson, Fine Meats PL; Williams, Wallarah Minerals Robinson, Baptist Community Srves NSW and Act; O'Neale, Fine Meats PL, Loloma Cleaning Srvcs PL; Clark, State Rail Authority of NSW.

Freightcorp; Harrison, Home Care Srvc of NSW; Soley, Goulburn Wool Scour Ltd. Sthrn Meats PL, Rowley. DUST DISEASES TRIBUNAL JOHN MADDISON TOWER 88 GOULBURN STREET Judge Johns: Sydney: Court 4B: Floor 4: 10am: Cuttriss, State Rail Authority of NSW, Alstrom Australia PL, Delta Electricity, Gec Ltd (Formerly English Electric Co of Australia PL); Hindmarsh, Ward's Stoves Manufacturing PL; Wyatt, Dickson Primer Valve Eng PL, the State of Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory: Deal, Processing Industries PL; May, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power); Martin, State Rail Authority of NSW; Gaal, South Western Sydney Area Health Srvc; Costas aka Kallis, Sydney Water Corporation, Tipper Hire PL, Ward Civil Eng PL (fka Bass Mekrizis, Blue Circle Sthrn Cement Ltd, Electricity Transmission Authority, Abax Contracting PL, Eraring Energy; Fairbairn and Fairbairn As Executors of Est the Late Fairbairn, Boral Building Srvcs PL: Commonwealth of Australia; Atanasovski, Seltsam PL; O'Brien, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power), Integral Energy; Whiteford, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power); Christensen, Rolls-Royce Australia Ltd Abb Elsag Bailey PL, Rexel Australia Ltd, Stewarts Lloyds (Aus) PL, Delta Electricity, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power): Rolls Royce Australia Ltd, Amaca PL (fka James Hardie Coy PL): Blair Morrison, Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee; Cutuli, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power); Sagrestano, BHP Steel (Ais) PL; Richardson, Tonwell PL (in liq), Minerals PL (in liq); Sheehan, Cockatoo Dockyard PL, NSW Land Housing Corporation, Watts Construction Div, Concord Council, Eraring Energy, the Commonwealth of Australia; Burford, Allianz Australia Workers Compensation (NSW) Ltd, BHP Steel (Ais) PL. Eraring Energy; James, Amcor Packing (Aus) PL; Vassallo, Eraring Energy (Formerly Sued As Pacific Power); Zanier, BHP Proprietary Co Ltd, Amaca PL; Brooks, Wallaby Grip (Bae) liq): Mcgrane, the Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee: Mangold, Western Sydney Area Health Srvc, integral Energy; Nesbitt, Csr Ltd, Midalco PL (Formerly Australian Blue Asbestos PL), NSW Land and Housing Corporation; Kingston, BHP Co Ltd; Murphy, Pasminco Port Pirie Smelter PL. Wallaby Grip Ltd; Phegan, the Stevedoring Industry Finance Committee; Mangold, Western Sydney Area Health Stvc.

Integral Energy; Atkinson, Amaca (fka James Hardie Coy PL); (Re: Garlick) Australia Operations PL, Huntsman Chemical Co Aust PL. Amaca PL. Wallaby Grip Ltd, Transfield Eng (Silverwater) PL, Shell Refining (Aus) PL, Wallaby Grip (Bae) PL (in Transfield Eng (Sliverwater) PL, Huntsman Chemical Co Aust PL, Amaca PL. Wallaby Grip Ltd; (Re: Swan) Delta Electricity, Transfield Technologies PL (Formerly International Combustion Australia Ltd), Oirt PL (Formerly Trio Insulations PL), Bailey Sons PL: (Re: Marriott) the Austral Tile Co PL, Workcover Authority of NSW, Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Ltd. Nem General Insurance Association Ltd (in liq); the Austral Tile Co PL.

Manufacturers Mutual Insurance Ltd; the Austral Tile Co PL, Atkinson PL; (Re: Munday) Amaca PL, Buta PL: (Re: Niazi) Csr. Ltd, Sayer PL, Wallaby Grip Ltd, Amaca PL; (Re: Christie) Seltsam PL, Amaca PL. the Commonwealth of Australia, Queensland Housing Commission. NSW PAROLE BOARD HOSPITAL ROAD COURT COMPLEX, SYDNEY Chairperson and Members: Court 17: 9.30am: Review Hearing Appearances: Donnelly: Buddle; Graylandler; Hoare; Le; Sufong; Teraitua. ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS TRIBUNAL 111 ELIZABETH STREET, SYDNEY APPEAL PANEL President, Judge O'connor; Mr Molloy; Ms A O'Neill: Hearing Room 2: 2pm: Hearing: Botts, Grimme.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DIVISION Ms Lees: Interview Room 3: 10am: Case Conference (Telephone): Ho, General Manager, Maclean Shire Council. Ms A Britton: Interview Room 3: 12pm: Case Conference (Telephone): Hanratty. Kempsey Shire Council. COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Deputy President Hennessy: Dr Ms Houlahan: Hearing Roorh 1: Hearing: Heaton, Director General, Department Of Community Services. GENERAL DIVISION.

Registry: Available After 10am: Decision: Pese, Commissioner Of Police. Ms A Britton: Interview Room 2 Preliminary Conference: Snap Courier Services PL. Director General, Department Of Public Works Services. 3pm: Planning Meeting: Ambrogetti, Chief Executive Officer, Hunter Area Health Service. Mr Wilson: Hearing Room 2: 10am: Hearing: Kapani, Commissioner Of Police.

Mr Rice: Hearing Room 3: 10am: Hearing: Peisley, Commissioner Of Police. LEVEL 7, 77 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY RETAIL LEASES DIVISION Mr Donald: 10am: Hearings (Pt. Hrd): Azzi, Citadin PL; Citadin PL, Genera' Pants Co PL. VICE REGAL On Saturday afternoon Her Excellency the Governor and Sir Nicholas Shehadie returned to Sydney. On Sunday afternoon Her Excellency and Sir Nicholas attended a ceremony marking the 231st Anniversary of the landing by Captain James Cook RN at Kurnell.

Later the Governor, accompanied by Sir Nicholas, presented an award to the winner of the Wattan Visual Art Competition and formally closed the first Wattan National Forum at the Powerhouse Museum, Ultimo. SHIPPING EXPECTED ARRIVALS TODAY 3am, 1ABD, DIRECT EAGLE: 6.30am, 28D, MSC CORINNA; 9.30am, 5BD, POTSDAM; 11am, KUR3, SAMAR SPIRIT; 12pm, BLB1, KWANGYANG GAS; 1pm, KURT, BARRINGTON; 2pm, 2ABD, FESCO VOYAGER; 6am, GLB8, TAVAKE OMA; 11.15am, GOR2, FRESHWATER; 9pm, DH4-N, TRANS FUTURE 9pm, DH8, NEXUS; 11pm, WHT4; TAURANGA CHIEF. EXPECTED DEPARTURES TODAY 1.45pm, GOR2, FRESHWATER: 11.30pm, BWBCN, CLAUDIA; 6.30am, 2BD, MSC CLAUDIA; 10am, 3BD, COLUMBUS CANTERBURY: 1pm, BLB1, HELIX: 7pm, CABLE, NEXUS; 10pm, 1BD, NEDLLOYD FOS. MAILS Surface mail closing dates (9am at Sydney Parcel Centre), may vary without notice to connect with amended ship departures. Australia Post despatches sea mail for more than 200 countries and territories.

Main destinations are listed below. Mails for other places are sent in transit via the listed destinations. Inquiries 9682 9106 between 8.30am and 3.30pm. Argentina, May 10; Austria, May 10; Belgium, May 10; Brazil, May 10; Canada, May Chile, May 10; Croatia, May 10; Czech May 10: Denmark, May 10; France, May 10; Germany, May 10; Greece, May Hungary, May 10; Ireland May 10; Israel, May Italy May 10; Jamaica May 10; Kenya, May 10; Lord Howe Island, May 11; Maita, May 10; Mauritius May 10; Mexico, May 10; Netherlands, May 10; Norfolk Island, May Peru, May 10; Poland, 10; Portugal, May 10; Russian Federation, May 10; South Africa, May Spain, May 10; Sweden, May 10; Switzerland, May 10; Tanzania, May 10; Trinidad, May 10; UA Emirates, May 11; Uganda, May 10; Ukraine, May 10; United Kingdom, May 10; Uruguay, May 10; USA, May Yugoslavia, May Zimbabwe, May B. 04306 PERSONAL NOTICES Births, Marriages, Deaths Summary of death notices Antoine A Farrant A Mackay Reedman A Ashby Foster Mahboub Richards Baldwin Gazal McCleery ME Robertson Barbour A Ginn McDonnell Shepherd Bastic I Goodwin McIntyre RJ Bowen Harriman CP Moore Vincent-Sayers Hawthorne Morse West Craig Davies Hole Payne White Duncan Landers PJ Peterkin Wigmore A Dunk A Lyons Power Wright TA BIRTHS The baby is here and your FREE copy of 'Practical Parenting' will be arriving soon.

Thank you for placing your birth notice with us. BROWN (nee Whitaker) Bronwen and Bevan are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their handsome son Julian Bevan Brown at 6.23 a.m. on April 28. 2001; a brother to big sisters Rebecca and Katerina, Special thanks to Dr. Paul Sanders and Yvonne and all at 'The San' DEATHS ANTOINE, Joseph Albert (Joe).

On April 27, 2001, in Canberra. Beloved husband of Ella, loving father and father-in-law of Yvonne and Russell Stucki, Kevin and Pam Antoine and Denise and Denis Sargent. Tired and weary. you made no fuss, you tried so hard to stay with us. You were always so thoughtful and kind.

what wonderful memories you leave behind. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of JOSEPH ANTOINE will be offered in St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Church, Boddington Crescent. Kambah, tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1, 2001) at 1 p.m. The funeral will leave at the conclusion of Mass for the Norwood Park Crematorium.

Sandford Street. Mitchell TOBIN BROTHERS 02 6295 2799 CANBERRA MEMBER AFDA ANTOINE, Joseph Albert (Pardy). On April 27, 2001, in Canberra Adored grandfather of Michelle. Kathy, Kerry. Nicole.

Leanne, Natalie, Chris. Craig, Debbie and their partners. From all your Best Friends" ANTOINE, Joseph Albert (Pardy). On April 27, 2001. in Canberra.

Beloved great -grandfather of Matthew. Laura Thomas, Luke, Christian. Grace. Carrie, Charlotte. Ryan.

Tayler, Angus. Harry, Hannah and Rex. From all his little "Pooey Tails" ASHBY. Bernard Percival. Died April 27, 2001 at Ulladulla, aged 68 years.

Late of Mollymook, formerly Gladesville. Beloved husband of Jean, beloved father of Michael. Susan. Trevor. Graham and Sandra, loved father-In-law and grandad of the Clan.

The relatives and friends of the late BERNARD ASHBY are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in St. Martin's Anglican Church. Green Street. Ulladulla, on 11 Wednesday (May 2, 2001). at a.m.

At the conclusion of the service there will be a private cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be left at the church for the Diabetes Association of Australia. Milton Ulladulla Funeral Services 2 Camden Street, Ulladulla 02 4454 0722 BALDWIN. Mary Josephine. April 24, 2001.

at Prince of Wales Hospital and formerly of Kingsford. Aged 90 years. Beloved wife of James (deceased). loving mother and mother-in-law of John Helen, loved Mary of Sharon and Graham. David and Lisa, loving great-grandmother of Steven and Melissa At rest with all her family.

The relatives and late MARY "JOSEPHINE BALDWIN are Invited to attend MARY'S funeral service, at St. Michael's Catholic Church, 29 Banks Avenue, Daceyville, at 9.15 a.m. on Wednesday (May 2. 2001), followed by Committal Service at 10.30 a.m. at the Eastern Suburbs Crematorium.

EASTERN SUBURBS FUNERAL FUND Military Road, Matraville. 9661 5655 9661 5655. BARBOUR, Allan. April 28. 2001, beloved husband of Shirley, loving father of Georgie, stepfather of Lynne and jon, father-in-law of Roger, Papa of Sophie and Lilli.

The celebration of ALLAN'S life will be heid at Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Wednesday (May South Chapel at 1.30 pm. BASTIC, Irene Veronica. We mourn the passing of our beloved mother. Irene Veronica Bastic! (nee Burke), born April 27. 1929.

Born to Eternal Life. April 28. 2001. Rene was the heart of our family, her kindness, love, strength and serenity will be forever missed. Rene and Paddy shared married life together for 47 years.

Her children. Damien and Anthony. Loretta and husband Neil and her grandchildren Sophie and James loved and adored her. Her sister Mona, brothers Donnie and Bob (deceased), her nieces and nephews will miss her. -In God's arms she finally rests.

Please watch these columns for funeral notice. BOWEN, Herbert (Bert). April 25, 2001 (peacefully), surrounded by his loving family, late of Jannali. Loving husband of Patt. much loved father of Susan, Grahame, Lynnette and Roger.

Loved by his twelve grandchildren and great -grandson. Loved brother of Con and his family. Aged 83 years. Dearly loved by all who knew him. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St.

Joseph's Catholic Church, Oyster Bay Road. Oyster Bay, Tuesday (May 1. 2001), at 10.30 a.m. Instead of flowers, donations to the Gertrude Abbott Nursing Home, Albion Street. Surry Hills 2010, would be most appreciated.

OLSENS Australian Owned Family Business Since 1944 A.F.D.A. Sutherland. 9545 3477 CRAIG, Charles Henry. April 27. 2001, peacefully at hospital, after a long illness.

Late of Northmead, dearly beloved husband of Anna, loving son of Maurice. will be sadly missed by all his family and friends both in Australia and overseas. Aged 82 years. Remembered with love. Relatives and friends of the late CHARLES CRAIG are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in The Chapel at Castlebrook Crematorium.

Windsor Road. Rouse Hill. this Wednesday (May 2. 2001). commencing at 1.30 p.m.

By request no flowers, in lieu, donations to the Cancer Founda- tion will be appreciated, envelopes available at the service. METCALFE MORRIS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 25 ARGYLE STREET, PARRAMATTA. A.F.D.A. 9687 2600. DAVIES, Christine Marie.

April 27. 2001. much loved daughter of Elizabeth, special friend of Patricia and so many others. in her year. Family and friends are invited to celebrate CHRISTINE'S life with Mass at Mary Immaculate Church, Victoria Street, Waverley, on Tuesday (May 2001).

commencing at 10.15 a.m. Following Mass, the cortege will proceed to the Waverley Cemetery. WALTER CARTER Pty. Ltd. Australian Family Owned 9389 3499.

9389 3367 DUNCAN, John (Jaek). April 23, 2001. Late of Arncliffe, formerly of Kinghorne, Scotland, beloved husband of Betty (deceased), loved and remembered by all his family and friends. Now at rest with Betty. Privately cremated.

DUNK, Ronnie Alwyn. April 23. 2001, at his residence. late of Leumeah. Loved son of Arthur and Vera Dunk (both deceased).

Aged 82 years. Relatives and friends are warmly invited to attend RONNIE'S funeral service. which will be held in the South Chapel of Forest Lawn Crematorium. on Tuesday (May 2001). commencing at 9.30 a.m.

WILLIAM R. GROVES FUNERAL DIRECTOR Australian Family Owned and Managed 4677 1644 4872 2999 Picton Mittagong FARRANT, Aileen Clare. Broken Hill. Sydney. Tweed Heads and Adelaide.

Passed away peacefully, at St. Andrew's Hospital. on Friday. April 27. 2001, aged 82 years.

Loved wife of Lance (deceased). Loving stepmother of Richard. Much loved aunty of Geoffrey (deceased). Raymont and Robin. Resting peacefully in God's care.

ELLIOTT BROTHERS 76 Anzac Highway, Everard Park South Australia. (08) 8297 1544. FOSTER, 27. 2001. Ernest Robert peacefully, (Ernie).

late of Berowra. Beloved husband of Roma, proud father and father-in-law of Lorraine and Grayson. Ross and Jenny. Helen and Ced. grand Da to Jo.

Rosie, Lou. Doug. Benny, Claire and Sam. great Da to Emily, Jackson, Brock. Maddison and Anthony.

A great loss to our family. friends and community. In his 80th year. The relatives and friends of ERNIE are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held in the North Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, on Wednesday next (May 2, 2001). commencing at 10.30 a.m.

By request. no flowers. Donations in lieu to Hornsby Hospital. SIMPLICITY FUNERALS Throughout Australia CENTRAL COAST 02 4365 2333. GAZAL, Victoria.

April 28, 2001, beloved wife of Laurie (deceased), loved mother of Diana, Sam, Jeffrey and Lindsay. Much loved sitte to Samantha, Rada, Phoebe, Natasha. Christian. Jason and Jessica, Maddisen and Alessandra. May her memory be eternal.

The relatives and friends of the late VICTORIA GAZAL are respectfully invited to attend her funeral service, to be held at St. George Antioch Orthodox Cathedral. corner of Walker and Cooper Streets, Redfern, tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1. 2001) appointed to commence at 1 p.m. At the conclusion of the service.

the cortege will proceed to the Waverley Cemetery JOSEPH MEDCALF. Proudly Australian Since 1880 ALL SUBURUBS. 9698 2644 GINN, Leslie Henry. April 27, 2001, formerly of Manly, husband of Nancy, loved father of Karen and Gavin, father-in-law of Bobby and Margaret. "Grandfather" of Minke 75 Aged years.

The relatives and friends of LES are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held the South Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. Delhi Road, North Ryde. Tuesday (May 1. 2001). 1.30 commencing at p.m.

the care of WHITE LADY FUNERALS, 75 Spit Road, Mosman. 9968 1099. A.F.D.A. GOODWIN, Leonard James (Jim). April 27.

2001. at his home. Sandringham. Dearly loved husband of Olwyn. devoted father of James (Jim) and Lynne.

his 80th year. Always in our hearts. JIM'S family and friends are invited to attend his funeral service, to be held within the West Chapel of the Woronora Crematorium. Thursday (May 3. 2001).

commencing at 1.30 p.m. Please meet at the crematorium. SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS ALL SUBURBS PROUDLY AUSTRALIAN 9529 6644 9521 4422 HARRIMAN, Christopher Paul. April 25, 2001. Result of traffic accident.

Loved and adored son of Alison. Nicholas and Denise. brother of Angus and Edward. grandson of Bob, Gwen, Paul and Robin. Partner of Ali.

Aged 24 years. May he rest in peace. Mass of Christian Burial for CHRISTOPHER PAUL HARRIMAN will be offered in the Chapel of St. Joseph's College, Ryde Road, Hunters Hill, on Wednesday (May 2, 2001). commencing at 10.30 a.m.

The funeral will leave the church at the conclusion of the Mass. for the Northern Suburbs Crematorium. Delhi Road. North Ryde. W.

N. BULL PTY. LTD. 1000g AUSTRALIAN NORTH SYDNEY A.F.D.A. 9519 5344 24 Hrs.

HAWTHORNE, Kenneth (Ken) Samuel. August 7, 1917 April 28, 2001. Dearly loved husband of Barbara, loved father of Helen. Robert and Vicki, father-in-law of Tony, Colleen and Jamie, grandfather of Rowan and James, Elizabeth and Esher, He loved his family and his country. Sadly missed.

but always our hearts. A funeral service will be held in the South Chapel of the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, Delhi Road. North Ryde, tomorrow (Tuesday, May 2001), commencing at 11.15 a.m. ALBERT MEYER. AUSTRALIAN OWNED THORNLEIGH.

9484 3992. HOLE, Herbert (Bert). April 24, 2001. At hospital, late of Bellevue Hill, dearly loved husband of Marie (deceased), much loved Father of Sue (deceased). Aged 93 years.

The friends of BERT are invited to attend his funeral, to be held in its entirety at St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Albert Street. Edgecliff, Wednesday (May 2. 2001), commencing at 10.30am.

WALTER PTY.LTD. Australian 93893499 93893367 LANDERS, Percy James (Jim). April 25. 2001. after a short illness, late of Richmond, of Forster and Greenwich, beloved husband of Bessie (deceased).

very dearly loved father and father-in-law of Julie and David (Waterhouse). loving grandfather of Alison. Diana and lennifer and brother of Carl (deceased), Jean and Arthur (deceased). Aged 86 years. At peace.

The relatives and friends of the late JIM LANDERS are kindly invited to attend his funeral service. to be held at the Castlebrook Memorial Gardens and Crematorium Chapel. Windsor Road. Rouse Hill. Wednesday (May 2.

2001). 11 commencing at a.m. O'BRIEN FAMILY FUNERALS Australian Owned Operated Richmond 02 4588 6300 LYONS, Sylvia Rose. April 29. 2001.

at Mosman, wife of John (deceased), mother of Margaret (deceased), Peter and Geoff. A great life. pursued with enthusiasm. Privately cremated. ALLEN MATTHEWS 110 Glover Street, CREMORNE 9953 3379 Australian Funeral Directors Association MACKAY.

Stephen Hugh. My beloved son, you leave me bereft and brokenhearted, but oh. so proud of your courage and your love for me. I have so much to live to and I will do it. My darling boy.

I'm so glad we really talked to one another. You called me beautiful. I will be there for you. Now let loving nature spread her wings gently and safely around you. until we meet again, your loving mother.

MACKAY. Stephen Hugh. April 27. 2001. In the breath of a sea storm In the flash of its lights You crossed to a new horizon So brilliant at night Love you forever.

Dear brother of mine Tis not our goodbyes. Melinda MAHBOUB, Jack. April 18. 2001. suddenly, at Palm Beach, Queensland.

late of Condell Park. beloved husband for 43 years of Ena. father of Christopher, brother of Fred and Joyce Norman of Maroubra. Sadly missed by all who knew him. McCLEERY, Madge Estelle.

Passed away April 18, 2001, aged 93 years. of Mowll Village. formerly of Pennant Hills. beloved wife of Fred (deceased) and loving sister of Narelle and Laurie (both deceased). Privately cremated.

McDONNELL, Douglas Hugh. 2001. at Calvary Hospital, late of Penshurst. Loving husband of Joy. loved father of Judy (deceased).

Christina and Tony. Father-in-law of Chris and loved Poppa of Madeline and Dominic Will be sadly missed. Mass of Christian burial for Mr DOUGLAS HUGH McDONNELL will be offered in St. Michael's Church, Croydon Road. Hurstville.

on Tuesday (May 1. 2001). commencing at 1 .30 p.m. The funeral will leave the church at the conclusion of the Mass, for Woronora Cemetery, Linden Street, Sutherland. If desired in leu of flowers.

donations to Australian Cancer Research Foundation, Strand Arcade. George Street. Sydney, 2000. or Calvary Hospital, PO Box 261. Kogarah would be appreciated.


10000 AUSTRALIAN OWNED 9519 5344. A.F.D.A. 24 Hrs. McINTYRE. Robert James.

of Margate Qld. formerly of Pymble and North Ryde. Passed away April 25. 2001. aged 56 years Dearly loved husband of Judith much loved father and father-in-law of James and Vanessa, Vivienne and Timothy and loved Pa Pa to Lachlan.

GEORGE HARTNETT FUNERALS Redcliffe Qid. 07 32845268 MOORE, Selma (Peachie). April 27. 2001. late of Orangeville, soulmate and devoted wife Gordon.

gorgeous mother Cherry and John. Wendy and John. Nans to David and Craig. very special sister to Lessy and loving niece to Aunty Bell (deceased). Aged 79 years.

At rest in God's garden. The relatives and friends of PEACHIE are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held Tuesday (May 1. 2001), in the South Chapel, Forest Lawn Crematorium. Leppington. commencing at 11.30 a.m.

BUTLER FUNERALS. A.F.D.A. Camden 4655 8265 Narellan 4647 5968 MORSE, Brian Victor. April 28. 2001, at Canberra, Loved son of Richard Victor and Mina Aileen (Neill) (both deceased), brother of Roger and Joan (deceased) Member of Field Squadron R.A.E.

and C.M.F. 3rd Batt. Much loved and sadly missed by his family. The funeral service will be held in the Chapel of the Norwood Park Crematorium (Canberra), tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1. 2001), commencing at 4 p.m.

In lieu of flowers. donations to the ACT Cancer Society would be appreciated. WILLIAM COLE FUNERALS Canberra 02 6253 3655 PAYNE. The Reverend William Vines (Bill). 28.

2001. much loved husband of Helen, loving father and father-in-law of Bronwyn and Tom. David and Janelle. Stephen and Kathy. Proud grandad of Matthew, Ben.

Adam. Joshua, Sarah and Jessica. BILL'S funeral service will be held in St. Cuthbert's Anglican Church. 34 Park Road, Carlton.

commencing at 11 am. tomorrow (Tuesday, May 1. 2001) and will be followed by cremation at the Woronora Crematorium, HAMILTON FUNERALS The Australian Owned Alternative SYDNEY AND SUBURBS 9449 5544 9326 9707 PAYNE. The Reverend William Vines Newman (Bill). April 28, 2001.

Dear brother of Lorna, Uncle of Barry, Barbara and Louise. Remembering with love all the happy times. PETERKIN, I Marjorie, Jean. April 27. 2001.

of Fairfield West. formerly of Chester Hill. dearly loved wife of Ken Hart (deceased) and Gordon Peterkin (deceased) much loved mother and mother-in-law of Lesley and Rodger, John and Julie, devoted granma of Adam. Rebecca, Michael. David, Lachlan and Evan.

stepgranma to Scott and Ross and adopted granddaughter Angela, fondest sister and sister-in-law of Laura and Istevan (Steve) and dear aunt to their family. Aged 75 years. A gracious, kind and courageous lady who will be loved and remembered always. The relatives and friends of MARJE PETERKIN are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to take place in St. John's Anglican Church, 73 Edensor Road, St.

John's Park, on Wednesday (May 2, 2001), commencing at 10 a.m. Following the church service, a private family service will takeplace at the Pine Grove Crematorium. SOUTHERN CROSS FUNERALS ALL SUBURBS PROUDLY AUSTRALIAN 952 06644 9521 4422 Peter Parr An application will be made to the World Chess Federation for the International Master Title for Mark Chapman, the FIDE Master Title for Scott Wastney and the FIDE Master title for the winner on countback between Andrew Allen, Kerry Stead and Lee Jones who each scored 5 points, and the Women's International Master title for Ngan Koshnitsky. Leading scores after round 7 of the World Championship South-East Asia Zonal tournament in Manila, Philippines (24 players, 9 rounds) GM A.Nguyen (Vietnam) and GM T.Dao (Vietnam) 5.5 GM U. Adianto (Indonesia) 5 GM B.

Villamayor (Philippines) 4.5. There are 15 players in the event rated over 2400 including 6 over 2500 compared to the Oceanic zonal which had no players rated above 2400. Leading final scores in Dos Hermanas, Spain (10 players average rating 2634, 9rounds) A.Dreev (Russia) and I.Smirin (Israel) 5.5 FIDE Master Tim Reilly, the top seed, has won the City of Sydney Championship. Reilly defeated former NSW champion Kuan-Kuan Tian in round 8. Greg Canfell, the sole leader after round 7, rejected an early draw offer from Johny Bolens in round 8 and lost.

Alek Safarian joined Reilly in the lead with 6.5 out of 8 by defeating Simon Quick. Reilly played his last round game in advance, and offfered a draw to Safarian after 10 moves. Safarian who would have tied for first place if he accepted played on and lost. Leading scores (48 players, 9 rounds) T.Reilly 7.5/9 A. Safarian 6.5/9 G.

Canfell, G.Xie, J. Bolens all The Caravel Cup starts tonight at Hakoah Club, Bondi. An Australian Chess Federation Grand Prix weekend tournament will be held at Laurieton NSW on Saturday and Sunday. The City of Sydney Rapid play championship will be on Sunday at Ashfield Catholic Club. The NSW Junior League's two day tournament held last Thursday and 171 players.

It was won by 14 year old Rej who conceded only two draws to finish with 9 out of 10. Equal second with 8 points were Vincent Suttor, Arthur Huynh and Ronald Yu. POWER. Edith Eliza. Passed away very peacefully, at her daughter's home at Bundeena, April 26, 2001.

Dearly loved wife of Bryan (deceased), much loved mother of Susan and Bob. Michael (deceased) and Rickki, grandmother to Mark. Daniel. Jacqueline and Stephanie and loved sister of Marjorie. Aged 75 years.

Resting peacefully in God's care the cards, four spades should in fact be made on any lead. With declarer smiled on by fortune, the jack of spades is doubleton, the diamond finesse wins (if needed for a heart discard) and the double finesse in clubs also succeeds. In short, it is very difficult to go down, although Rosenkranz was to prove equal to that challenge. Declarer won the heart lead and led a low spade to the king. The ace of diamonds was now cashed, a puzzling decision, and a club then led to the ace, East not splitting his honours.

Suddenly declarer could no longer succeed on good defence, having on successive tricks squandered the opportunity to take either minorsuit finesse. He eventually drifted two down, for -200. While not essential, it is probably best to duck the heart lead, manoeuvring to ruff a heart. There is nothing the defence can do to damage you. Suppose East exits with a trump.

West could win and return a trump, the jack dropping. A heart can then be ruffed with the remaining top trump in dummy and West's last trump can be drawn later. Ten or eleven tricks will be made, depending on how the clubs are handled. If East instead returns a heart at trick two, win, ruff a heart low, and play on trumps, for the same ten or eleven tricks. At the other table, North-South for Gromov stopped in three spades and made five on a heart lead.

Rosenkranz, who could have gained 9 or 10 imps on this deal, in fact lost 9. Sixty-two boards later, Gromov emerged victorious by 31 imps. That did not diminish Rosenkranz's remarkable achievement in one of America's most prestigious tournaments. Requiem Mass for the eternal repose of the soul of the late EDITH POWER will be celebrated at St. James' Catholic Church, Bundeena Drive.

Bundeena, Tuesday (May 2001). commencing at 12.30 p.m. At the conclusion of the Mass. the cortege proceed to the Field of Mars Cemetery, Ryde. A Memorial Service will be held for all Edith's Central Coast friends.

at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Main Road, Toukley. Wednesday (May 2, 2001), commencing at 10.30 a.m. In the care of WHITE LADY FUNERALS, 6 Adelong Street, Sutherland.

95454912. A.F.D.A. REEDMAN, John Thomas Arthur. Late of Woodbury Village, passed away peacefully. at Westmead Hospital, 27.

2001. Husband of Muriel May (deceased), father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by Janette, Larry and family. COLONIAL FUNERALS Proudly Australian 9708 5265 All Suburbs RICHARDS, Karen. April 26, 2001. loved wife to George, much loved mother to Fiona, Damien and Stephanie, will be sadly missed by her mother Kath, Aunty Dorothy, sister Kym, brother-inlaw Les and their children.

Jade and Kira. Aged 54 years. Now at peace. The relatives and friends of KAREN are kindly invited to attend her funeral service, to be held at St. Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Georges Crescent Georges Hall, Wednesday (May 2.

2001). commencing at 10 a.m. Privately cremated. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Oncology Unit, BankstownLidcombe Hospital. Eldridge Road.

Bankstown, envelopes provided at the service. in the care of WHITE LADY FUNERALS. 35 Kitchener Parade, Bankstown. 9790 1444. A.F.D.A.

ROBERTSON, April Donald Lloyd (Don). 29. 2001. at Bexley. late of Penshurst and Diamond Head Beach Devoted husband of Millicent, loving father of Heather and Jean and loving grandpop of Stephen.

Andrew. Daniel and Claire, father-in-law of Nick and Peter. Aged 78 years. Resting after a long illness. Please watch these columns for funeral details..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.